Josh Matthews:
Brock Lesnar. This Sunday may be the last ever night that you're a member of
the nWo, but you have the chance to go out in style when you face off against
Shane McMahon one more time.
Brock Lesnar:
Style? Where's the style in having to face Shane McMahon? There's no style,
there's no prestige. I might as well just sit at home for Wrestlemania, rather
than waste my time in the ring against a non-wrestler. You know, less than a
month ago, I was the WWE Champion, and now I'm being treated like a pathetic
nobody. Well let me tell you something Shane McMahon, I will beat your ass at
Wrestlemania, and from then on, people are gonna start taking notice of Brock
Lesnar, because I'm going to make them take notice.
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Rich, 12-11-2005