(As Chris Benoit gets prepared for the main event of the evening, Booker T
shows up.)
Booker T:
Yo Chris, I saw what happened with Orton and Triple H earlier tonight, and I
just wanted to come and talk to you about tonight's match. Now I know I got
issues with Hunter, and I want my belt back, but I know that you got issues
with him too man, and you wanna kick his ass. So I just wanted to come down
here and give you my blessin' bro. Go beat that punk to a pulp, man.
Chris Benoit:
Booker, I have a lot of respect for you, and the last thing that I want to do
is put your title match at Wrestlemania in the balance. But what happens in
this match will happen, Booker. I'm not going to control my emotions for your
sake. But that being said, I'll try to leave a little something of Triple H
for you to finish off at Wrestlemania.
Booker T:
That's what I'm talkin' about man. Go get him!
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Rich, 12-11-2005