Josh Matthews:
Triple H, tonight we will see a four-way elimination match, with the winner
earning a shot at your Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania.
Triple H:
You know Josh, I really don't care who wins that match, because I really don't
care about this belt. The only belt that I give a damn about is around the
waist of Chris Benoit. Benoit, remember this, you never beat me last Thursday
on Smackdown. Our paths are going to cross again someday soon, and perhaps
you'll even have the guts to put your title on the line, because I guarantee
you that...
(Chris Benoit walks into the shot.)
Chris Benoit:
Guarantee me what? That you'll pedigree me? That you'll pin me Triple H? I'm
sorry, but I've heard it all before, time and time again from you. I tell you
what, this Thursday on Smackdown, we'll settle this. No titles on the line,
because I've got an important defence coming up, and so have you, but this time
there will also be no count-outs and no disqualifications. You win that match,
maybe I'll give you a shot at this belt after Wrestlemania. Maybe.
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Rich, 12-11-2005