(As Raw comes on the air, the entire nWo is in the ring. Shane McMahon's music
hits and he comes out onto the ramp.)
Shane McMahon:
There's a reason why you're all out here. With Hollywood Hogan injured, and
out of Wrestlemania, you all now have two choices. The first choice is to
disband the nWo right here and now, and all go your seperate ways. The other
choice is as follows, we ring the bell right now, and have an nWo battle royal
match, the winner of which will go on to Wrestlemania to represent the nWo
against the Undertaker.
You know, it's a shame that we won't get to see Hogan have his ass handed to
him, but I guess nature sometimes takes matter into its own hands. Do I take
it by the fact that none of you have moved that you've chosen the battle royal
option? Good, well in that case, ring the bell, and get it underway.
Click here to return to Raw.
Rich, 12-11-2005