(As Raw returns from commercial, Randy Orton is stood in the ring, wearing an
nWo shirt.)
Randy Orton:
At Wrestlemania, I have the opportunity to become the WWE Heavyweight Champion.
I lasted through three matches to win the tournament, including two gruelling
matches with Shawn Michaels. But the fact of the matter is, when it came down
to business, and the final of the tournament, I got things done all by myself.
And at Wrestlemania, that's exactly what I'm going to do again, when I face
Chris Benoit.
So as far as I'm concerned, I won't be needing this t-shirt or what it stands
for anymore.
(Orton removes the nWo shirt and tears it up.)
Randy Orton:
Chris Benoit, the last time that you and I fought one on one, I pinned you for
a 3-count. At Wrestlemania, it's going to be no different. You're facing the
one and only Legend Killer. A man who needs no associations or kliqs in order
to better himself. Rest assured, I'll be watching your match with Bret Hart
here tonight, because I will study you, and when Wrestlemania comes around, you
will find that there's nothing that you can do that I won't know how to counter
or how to better.
You're about to be introduced to the future of this company Benoit. Orton is
the future, and Randy Orton will prevail, no matter what it takes.
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Rich, 12-11-2005