(As Raw comes on the air, a triumphant Shane McMahon makes his way down to the
ring and grabs a mic.)
Shane McMahon:
You know, there's an old saying in this business, and it goes a little some-
thing like this - damn it feels great to kick Hulk Hogan's ass!
Hogan, I told you that things were going to be different this time around, and
they damn sure were. Now I know that you're back there, so I suggest that you
make your way to the ring right now, because I've got something that I want to
say to you, and I'm want to say it to your face.
(After a brief pause, the nWo music hits, and Hogan makes his way to the ring.)
Hollywood Hogan:
So Shane, what is it? You want to apologise to me? You wanna say you're sorry
for ever getting in my face?
Shane McMahon:
Don't kid yourself Hogan, you know what I'm here to say. I made a promise, and
I'm damn sure gonna follow through with it. You see, the WWE is simply not big
enough for Shane McMahon and the nWo, so it's time for one of them to go, and I
say that should be the nWo.
So Hogan, at Wrestlemania, you will be in a one on one match. If you win that
match, then I will resign my position as commissioner, and you'll never see me
again. But don't get any ideas about you taking over, as Vince has assured me
that won't happen. But Hogan, if you lose, the nWo must disband forever. No
more reunions, no more resurrections, it's gone and not coming back. I told
you I was going to kill the nWo, and it will happen at Wrestlemania.
Hollywood Hogan:
Well that's fine with me Shane. There's no way you can fluke beating me on two
occasions. At Wrestlemania, I'm gonna kick your ass all the way t...
Shane McMahon:
Woh there Hulkster, I never said that you were fighting me at Wrestlemania. I
only promised to kill the nWo, but I'm not gonna be the one organising the nWo
funeral. That job has been assigned to someone much more suitable to the task.
After all, if you're going to have a funeral, you can't have one without having
an Undertaker.
So at Wrestlemania, Hollywood Hogan, you'll be going one on one with the man
from the dark side, The Undertaker. And believe me Hogan, the end of the nWo
is nigh. And as the dead man might say, rest in peace Hogan, rest in peace!
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Rich, 12-11-2005