They lock up.
Hollywood Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a kick.
Hollywood Hogan uses a stomp on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan poses for the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Hollywood Hogan for target practice.
Hollywood Hogan uses a chop on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan takes Shane McMahon down with a roundhouse right.
Hollywood Hogan executes a bodyslam on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan nails Shane McMahon with a chop.
Hollywood Hogan punches Shane McMahon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Hollywood Hogan punches Shane McMahon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Hollywood Hogan kicks Shane McMahon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Shane McMahon chops Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd is behind Shane McMahon all the way.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a sitdown faceslam.
Shane McMahon is going for the cover.
Tim White counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Shane McMahon begs off.
Hollywood Hogan takes Shane McMahon down with a headbutt.
Hollywood Hogan whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon falls out of the ring.
Hollywood Hogan rolls out under the bottom rope.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a kick to the midsection, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Shane McMahon executes a series of punches on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon hits a dropkick on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan back into the ring.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a slap.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan into the turnbuckle, but Hollywood Hogan
reverses it.
Shane McMahon comes back and rocks Hollywood Hogan with an elbow.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan into the turnbuckle.
Shane McMahon charges in with the Bronco Buster.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a low blow.
Shane McMahon goes for a vertical suplex, but Hollywood Hogan reverses it.
Hollywood Hogan takes Shane McMahon down with an elbowsmash.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hollywood Hogan chops Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon chops Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a punch.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a kick.
Shane McMahon hits a knee to mid-section on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon executes a low blow on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon whips Hollywood Hogan into the ropes, but Hollywood Hogan
reverses it.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a small package.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shane McMahon uses a sitdown faceslam on Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
Shane McMahon goes for a headlock takedown, but Hollywood Hogan
counters it with a back suplex.
In turn, Shane McMahon counters it with an elbowsmash.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon misses with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon goes for a spear, but Hollywood Hogan counters it with a kneelift.
Hollywood Hogan whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan misses with an elbow.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a roundhouse right, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a punch.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a Hotshot.
The crowd is giving Shane McMahon a standing ovation.
Shane McMahon is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Shane McMahon executes a sitdown faceslam on Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
Shane McMahon goes for a vertical suplex, but Hollywood Hogan reverses it.
Hollywood Hogan nails Shane McMahon with a forearm to the back.
Hollywood Hogan whips Shane McMahon into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a backdrop.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a headbutt, but Shane McMahon blocks it.
Shane McMahon goes for a vertical suplex, but Hollywood Hogan blocks it.
Hollywood Hogan runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon executes a punch on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a Hotshot.
Shane McMahon sends Hollywood Hogan into the turnbuckle.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a vertical suplex.
Shane McMahon executes a series of punches on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a back elbow.
The crowd erupts.
Shane McMahon covers Hollywood Hogan.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a kick.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a spear.
Shane McMahon goes for a spear, but Hollywood Hogan side-steps and Shane McMahon
only hits air.
Numerous fans are using Hollywood Hogan for target practice.
Hollywood Hogan covers Shane McMahon.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hollywood Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a shoulderblock.
Hollywood Hogan runs into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a shoulderblock.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a punch, but Shane McMahon counters it with
a roundhouse right.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a back elbow.
Shane McMahon whips Hollywood Hogan into the turnbuckle.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan out of the ring.
Shane McMahon goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Hollywood Hogan executes a roundhouse right on Shane McMahon.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a roundhouse right.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a punch.
Hollywood Hogan whips Shane McMahon into the guardrail.
Hollywood Hogan uses a roundhouse right on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan whips Shane McMahon into the guardrail.
Hollywood Hogan throws Shane McMahon back into the ring.
Hollywood Hogan kicks Shane McMahon.
The crowd breaks into a "Just Retire" chant.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hollywood Hogan kicks Shane McMahon.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon chops Hollywood Hogan.
Hollywood Hogan punches Shane McMahon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd erupts.
Shane McMahon uses a Hotshot on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a Hotshot.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with an elbow.
Hollywood Hogan goes for an elbowdrop, but Shane McMahon rolls out of the way.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a spear.
Shane McMahon whips Hollywood Hogan into the ropes.
Shane McMahon misses with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a dropkick.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a low blow.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a series of punches.
Shane McMahon covers Hollywood Hogan.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a knee to mid-section.
Shane McMahon whips Hollywood Hogan into the ropes.
Hollywood Hogan hits Shane McMahon with a shoulderblock.
Hollywood Hogan goes for a bodyslam, but Shane McMahon counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Shane McMahon hits a back elbow on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a low blow.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a spear.
Shane McMahon runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon hits a spear on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a clothesline.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan out of the ring.
Shane McMahon rolls out under the bottom rope.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a slap.
Shane McMahon throws Hollywood Hogan back into the ring.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
The crowd breaks into a "Shane! Shane!" chant.
Shane McMahon punches Hollywood Hogan.
Hollywood Hogan chops Shane McMahon.
The crowd is vociferously booing Hollywood Hogan.
Hollywood Hogan punches Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan is being booed out of the building.
Hollywood Hogan hits a roundhouse right on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan executes a roundhouse right on Shane McMahon.
Hollywood Hogan runs into the ropes.
Shane McMahon hits Hollywood Hogan with a backdrop.
Hollywood Hogan falls out of the ring.
Shane McMahon rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Shane McMahon nails Hollywood Hogan with a hiptoss.
Shane McMahon reenters the ring.
Hollywood Hogan rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Shane McMahon takes Hollywood Hogan down with a flying elbowdrop.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Shane McMahon gives the sign for the Shane-O-Mac Terminator.
Shane McMahon executes the Shane-O-Mac Terminator on Hollywood Hogan.
Shane McMahon goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Shane McMahon.
The winner is Shane McMahon. Time of match: 0:12:22
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Rich, 12-11-2005