Josh Matthews:
Shane McMahon, just like it was at Survivor Series, it's once again you versus
Hollywood Hogan. Unlike Survivor Series, it's only one fall to a finish.
Shane McMahon:
One fall is all it takes Josh. 3 little seconds, and it's all over. Dreams
are taken from you in the blink of an eye, just ask Shawn Michaels. But this
dream is not gonna be taken from me Josh. My dream is of a WWE without the
presence of the nWo. Tonight, I take the first step in making that dream into
reality. Hogan, I'm coming for you, and I won't stop until you're done for.
And then, tomorrow night, I give the nWo the lethal injection that will lead
to its death at Wrestlemania. Hogan, ask not for whom the bell tolls. It
tolls for you.
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Rich, 12-11-2005