Josh Matthews:
Randy Orton, Scott Steiner, tonight you're in tag team action against Shawn
Michaels and Goldberg, but Randy Orton, on Sunday you have the chance to get
to the main event of Wrestlemania, when you face Michaels in the final of the
WWE Title Shot Tournament.
Randy Orton:
Josh, I've beaten Michaels once in this tournament, and I'll damn sure beat
him again. It doesn't matter if it's a count-out, a DQ, a pinfall or maybe
even a submission, what matters is that I'm going to Wrestlemania.
Josh Matthews:
But what happens if your opponent ends up being your nWo team mate, the current
champion Brock Lesnar?
Randy Orton:
Same as what would happen if it's Benoit, one RKO, one victory, one title for
Randy Orton.
Josh Matthews:
And Scott Steiner, last Monday you...
Scott Steiner:
Last Monday was a joke. Goldberg, you jumped me, and kicked my ass. If I'd
known you were coming, it would have been a whole different story. Tonight,
I kick your ass in the tag match, and then Sunday night, I'll fight you one
on one again, and this time I'll beat you. You heard me Goldberg, I'm calling
your ass out for No Way Out, so I'll see you at the show, if you've got the
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Rich, 12-11-2005