Josh Matthews:
Chris Benoit, Shane McMahon, tonight you go up in tag team action ag...
Chris Benoit:
Talk all you want Josh, but for me the talking came to a stop last Thursday.
Brock Lesnar, you wanna have the nWo jump me from behind? That's fine by me,
because all that does is prove that you're not ready to face me at No Way Out.
It proves that I am going to climb that ladder and take back my title. Wanna
prove me wrong Lesnar? How about you get up off your ass and do it for
Shane McMahon:
I've got a fired-up Wolverine right here Josh, and we're ready to burn the nWo
alive here tonight, and again at No Way Out. Hogan, I'm coming for you brutha,
and this time around, I ain't leaving until I take you down.
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Rich, 12-11-2005