(Triple H makes his way to the ring, to a chorus of boos)
Triple H:
See, see how fickle you people are. Someone tells it to you how it is, and all
of a sudden you turn their backs on them. You know, that would really upset me
if I cared, but I really don't give a rats ass about any one of you, so you can
boo me as much as you want.
As far as No Way Out is concerned, Booker T, I really don't give a damn about
the Intercontinental Title, it means nothing to me. But I can tell that it
does mean a lot to you, which is why I'll take great pleasure in taking it away
from you. Then you, and all these idiots right here can get it into their
heads that no-one can stop this game, no-one.
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Rich, 12-11-2005