They lock up.
Brock Lesnar takes Chris Benoit down with a lariat.
** X-Pac comes to ringside.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits a lariat on Chris Benoit.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Brock Lesnar
takes Chris Benoit down with a flying shoulderblock from the second turnbuckle.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar goes for a power bomb, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit takes Brock Lesnar down with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Benoit kicks Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is behind Chris Benoit all the way.
Chris Benoit kicks Brock Lesnar.
The chants for Chris Benoit are deafening.
Chris Benoit chops Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit uses a forearm smash on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit uses a flying shoulderblock on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Chris Benoit whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar uses a back elbow on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a kick.
Chris Benoit takes Brock Lesnar down with a forearm smash.
Chris Benoit executes a forearm smash on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit takes Brock Lesnar down with a single-leg takedown.
Chris Benoit whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
** X-Pac trips Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar get hit with a double clothesline.
Chris Benoit whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Chris Benoit hits a lariat on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit executes a diving headbutt on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit is going for the cover.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Chris Benoit goes for a bodyslam, but Brock Lesnar counters it with a facerake.
Brock Lesnar hits a chop on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar goes for an arm wringer, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a punch to the head.
Chris Benoit goes for a back suplex, but Brock Lesnar counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit into the turnbuckle.
Chris Benoit comes back and rocks Brock Lesnar with an elbow.
Chris Benoit uses an armbar takedown on Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is behind Chris Benoit all the way.
Chris Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Brock Lesnar counters it with
a back elbow.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Brock Lesnar executes a waistlock takedown on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar goes for a powerslam, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
Chris Benoit takes Brock Lesnar down with a legdrop.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with a flying headbutt.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar and Chris Benoit get hit with a double clothesline.
Brock Lesnar goes for a kick to the midsection, but Chris Benoit
counters it with a legsweep.
Chris Benoit executes a Northern Lights suplex on Brock Lesnar.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with an armbar takedown.
Chris Benoit gives the sign for the Crippler Crossface.
Chris Benoit goes for the Crippler Crossface, but Brock Lesnar counters it with
a back elbow.
Brock Lesnar is being booed out of the building.
Brock Lesnar nails Chris Benoit with a fallaway slam.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with a clothesline.
Brock Lesnar goes for a powerslam, but Chris Benoit counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
Chris Benoit sends Brock Lesnar into the turnbuckle.
Chris Benoit runs shoulder-first into the corner, but Brock Lesnar lifts his
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with a jack-knife power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Brock Lesnar
uses a flying shoulderblock from the second turnbuckle on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar goes for triple power bomb, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit executes a dropkick on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with a back elbow.
Brock Lesnar sends Chris Benoit into the turnbuckle, but Chris Benoit
reverses it.
Chris Benoit charges into the corner.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with a single-leg takedown.
Chris Benoit hits a chop on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes.
Chris Benoit hits an inverted DDT on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
** X-Pac trips Chris Benoit.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with a belly-to-back suplex.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a legdrop.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar executes a powerslam on Chris Benoit.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brock Lesnar goes for a hiptoss, but Chris Benoit counters it with a backslide.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Chris Benoit whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar misses with a kick.
Brock Lesnar misses with a shoulderblock.
Chris Benoit misses with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a kick.
Chris Benoit goes for a forearm to the back, but Brock Lesnar side-steps and
Chris Benoit only hits air.
Brock Lesnar is being booed out of the building.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Brock Lesnar uses a chop on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar goes for a backbreaker, but Chris Benoit blocks it.
Chris Benoit hits a single-leg takedown on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with a clothesline.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a headbutt.
Chris Benoit nails Brock Lesnar with a forearm to the back.
Chris Benoit uses a flying headbutt on Brock Lesnar.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with a clothesline.
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with a shoulderblock.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the ropes, but Chris Benoit reverses it.
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with an elbow.
Brock Lesnar takes Chris Benoit down with a back elbow.
Brock Lesnar covers Chris Benoit.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with a kick.
Brock Lesnar uses a punch on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Chris Benoit misses with a kick.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a kick.
Chris Benoit runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits the Angry Man's Spinebuster on Chris Benoit.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the turnbuckle, but Chris Benoit
reverses it.
Chris Benoit hits a chop on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit hits a chop on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit executes a chop on Brock Lesnar.
Chris Benoit throws Brock Lesnar out of the ring.
Chris Benoit rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Chris Benoit hits Brock Lesnar with a forearm smash.
Chris Benoit throws Brock Lesnar into the guardrail.
Chris Benoit goes for a dragon suplex, but Brock Lesnar counters it with
a jawbreaker.
Ringside is quickly filling up with debris.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar
hits a flying shoulderblock from the second turnbuckle on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar nails Chris Benoit with a lariat.
Brock Lesnar is going for the cover.
Tim White counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Brock Lesnar hits a backbreaker on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar is being booed out of the building.
Brock Lesnar covers Chris Benoit.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit out of the ring.
Brock Lesnar goes through the ropes.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Brock Lesnar is being booed out of the building.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Brock Lesnar takes Chris Benoit down with a back elbow.
Brock Lesnar nails Chris Benoit with a knee to the midsection.
Brock Lesnar takes Chris Benoit down with a power bomb.
Brock Lesnar hits Chris Benoit with an elbowdrop.
Brock Lesnar whips Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar executes a forearm smash on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar shoves Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar executes a hiptoss on Chris Benoit.
Brock Lesnar runs Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Brock Lesnar throws Chris Benoit into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar knocks Chris Benoit into the ringsteps.
Brock Lesnar uses a chop on Chris Benoit.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Brock Lesnar climbs back into the ring.
Chris Benoit climbs back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar executes the F-5 on Chris Benoit.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Brock Lesnar goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is vociferously booing Brock Lesnar.
The winner is Brock Lesnar. Time of match: 0:14:40
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Rich, 12-11-2005