(As Big Show and X-Pac continue to team up against Kendrick and Ultimo, the
lights go out in the arena, and the bell tolls, signalling the arrival of the
Undertaker. The Deadman emerges on the ramp.)
The Undertaker:
Big Show. You are the one that walks unforgiven. While your partner in crime
Jeff Jarrett may have fled to parts unknown, you continue to live and breathe,
unashamed of the actions that caused this transformation within me.
Well now, your time has come, and your day of reckoning is upon you. No Way
Out, Big Show, there will be No Way Out for you, as I condemn your soul, or
what remains of it, to hell. Rest....in....peace.
(The Undertaker walks slowly to the back, as Big Show looks on, terrified.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005