They lock up.
Bubba Ray Dudley hits Scott Hall with a spinebuster slam.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, kickout.
Bubba Ray Dudley runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall hits Bubba Ray Dudley with a kick.
Scott Hall runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall misses with a clothesline.
Scott Hall misses with a shoulderblock.
Bubba Ray Dudley misses with a shoulderblock.
Bubba Ray Dudley hits Scott Hall with a shoulderblock.
D-Von Dudley enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Kevin Nash enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley whip Scott Hall into the ropes.
Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley hit Scott Hall with a double bodyslam.
D-Von Dudley leaves the ring.
Bubba Ray Dudley nails Scott Hall with a headbutt to the groin.
Bubba Ray Dudley goes for a kick to the midsection, but Scott Hall blocks it.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Scott Hall and Kevin Nash whip Bubba Ray Dudley into the ropes.
They hit Bubba Ray Dudley with a double kick to the midsection.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Scott Hall hits Bubba Ray Dudley with a kick to the midsection.
Scott Hall hits a choke slam on Bubba Ray Dudley.
Scott Hall nails Bubba Ray Dudley with a faceslam.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Scott Hall uses a headlock takedown on Bubba Ray Dudley.
Scott Hall goes for an abdominal stretch, but Bubba Ray Dudley counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Bubba Ray Dudley tags out to D-Von Dudley.
D-Von Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley hit Scott Hall with a double bodyslam.
Bubba Ray Dudley executes a spinebuster slam on Scott Hall.
D-Von Dudley hits a flying headbutt on Scott Hall.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, in the ropes...
D-Von Dudley and Bubba Ray Dudley hit Scott Hall with a double back suplex.
Bubba Ray Dudley leaves the ring.
D-Von Dudley goes for a powerslam, but Scott Hall counters it with a lariat.
Scott Hall tags out to Kevin Nash.
Kevin Nash and Scott Hall whip D-Von Dudley into the ropes.
They attempt to hit D-Von Dudley with a double kick to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
Scott Hall leaves the ring.
D-Von Dudley goes for a headbutt, but Kevin Nash blocks it.
Kevin Nash uses a chop on D-Von Dudley.
Kevin Nash tags out to Scott Hall.
Scott Hall and Kevin Nash hit D-Von Dudley with a double kneelift.
Kevin Nash uses a kick to the head on D-Von Dudley.
Scott Hall hits a backslide on D-Von Dudley.
Charles Robinson counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The winners are The Outsiders. Time of match: 0:02:32
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Rich, 12-11-2005