(As Smackdown comes on the air, Chris Benoit makes his way down to the ring,
and grabs a mic from ringside.)
Chris Benoit:
Now while I'll admit that the count last Monday night was fair, when Hogan
pinned me, I'd go on record to say that some of the other counts in that match
were not. Hogan, you and I are gonna meet again somewhere down the road, and
when we do, there's gonna be no life-lines or loopholes for you. Next time,
I'll make you tap out, so that there can be no questions, no arguments and
no slow-counts.
As far as Goldberg is concerned, this Sunday night, time has run out for your
reign as heavweight champion. Two months is more than enough for a guy like
you to have the gold, and it's time for a true champion to show the whole world
what a title reign is all about. As far as the...
(The music of Hollywood Hogan kicks in, interrupting Chris Benoit.)
Hollywood Hogan:
Well you know something, Chris Benoit? These people know what a title reign
is all about. Just 10 years ago, I was coming to the end of the first year
of my four-year title reign, brutha. You really think that you've got what it
takes to last more than four years with the WWE title? I don't think so.
As far as last Monday goes, Benoit, I beat your ass fair and square, and next
time we meet, I'll do it again. Hell, I'll do it again right here tonight!
But it ain't gonna be one on one Benoit, because I've got a much better idea.
What I want to do is cram as big an Armageddon preview into one match as I
possibly can, say about half the damn card. So right here tonight, brutha, it
is going to be a 10-man captain fall match. In one corner, you have the nWo,
captained by myself, along with the WWE Champion Goldberg, the man who will
soon be Intercontinental Champion, Scott Steiner, the man who buried the Dead
Man six feet under, Jeff Jarrett, and the future of professional wrestling,
Randy Orton.
That's quite a team, don't you think Benoit? Well, you're gonna find that out
first hand, because the other team will be captained by you Benoit, and you're
gonna be joined by Booker T, Triple H, the soon to be former Intercontinental
Champion, Chris Jericho, and Rob Van Dam.
Brutha, the nWo is gonna run wild over you and your team mates here tonight,
and I wouldn't be surprised if some of your boys don't even make it to the Pay
Per View.
Chris Benoit:
Hogan, we're all gonna make it, because the one thing that drives us is our
hatred for you and the nWo. This Sunday night, the WWE gets back on the right
track, and takes the first steps towards putting the nWo out of action forever.
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Rich, 12-11-2005