Josh Matthews:
Hollywood Hogan, not quite the victory you were hoping for out there, but a win
for the nWo nonetheless.
Hollywood Hogan:
That's right Josh, but you know something, all this nWo competition right here
tonight, it's making me hungry, brutha, yeah hungry. And I want to get in the
ring myself, tonight, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.
Josh Matthews:
You're going to wrestle here tonight? Do you have an opponent in mind?
Hollywood Hogan:
Yeah, I sure do, and his name is Booker T. Booker, I'm not gonna wait until
Armageddon to get my hands on you, so as of right now, tonight's main event is
now a six man tag team match. You can team with Benoit and RVD, and I'll link
up with Randy Orton and Goldberg brutha, but I'm warning you, I ain't going
easy on you dude, I'm going out there to kick your ass, just like I'm gonna do
at Armageddon, brutha!
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Rich, 12-11-2005