(The Basham Brothers are in the ring, waiting for mystery opponents, when Jeff
Jarrett makes his way out onto the ramp.)
Jeff Jarrett:
Now, before you boys get all worried, thinking you gotta face me, you don't. I
have my own issues with Triple H to concern myself about, even though Brock
Lesnar is probably gonna kick his ass tonight anyway.
The reason I'm out here is that Hollywood Hogan sent me out here to send you
boys a message. For sticking your nose in Marty Jannetty's business on Raw
this Monday, you two have been given some very special opponents. Doug Basham,
your opponent here tonight is....Danny Basham. And Danny, your opponent is
Doug Basham!
Now you two fight nice, and don't try any funny business, or I'll send the rest
of the nWo down here to show you what an ass-kicking is all about.
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Rich, 12-11-2005