(As Smackdown comes on the air, Triple H makes his way down to ringside and
grabs a mic from the ring announcer.)
Triple H:
I wanna make this real clear, right here and now. Randy Orton, I don't want to
wait until Survivor Series, I want your ass tonight!
You think you're something special Orton? Well why not come out here and prove
it to me, and to the entire world. I'm not going anywhere until I get an
(After a short wait, the nWo music hits, but Hollywood Hogan comes out, instead
of Orton.)
Hollywood Hogan:
Hunter, you've got a long wait ahead of you brother, because Randy Orton isn't
here tonight. He figured that you'd come out here and try to get the match
started early, so he took the night off, to prevent himself from making a fool
out of you before Survivor Series.
But I can tell that you're still looking for a fight, dude, so I've got one
for you. How about, right here tonight, you and Chris Benoit go up against
myself and the WWE Champion, Goldberg?
Triple H:
You know what Hogan, you're on. But I still don't want to wait, so I'm coming
up there to kick your ass right now.
(Triple H drops the mic and exits the ring. As he runs up the ramp to get to
Hogan, Goldberg appears out of nowhere and spears the Game.)
Hollywood Hogan:
That's what happens when you mess with the nWo brother. You'll be lucky if
you make it to Sur...
(Hogan's speech is interrupted by Chris Benoit, who nails the Hulkster with a
chair, and then does the same to Goldberg, leaving them both laying. Benoit
then grabs the mic.)
Chris Benoit:
Goldberg, this Sunday night, no DQ, that's all its gonna take to beat you. I
will be the WWE Champion at the end of Survivor Series, but for good measure,
I'm gonna kick your ass here tonight, too!
(Benoit's music hits, as Raw cuts to commercial.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005