(Chris Jericho makes his way down to ringside for the Highlight Reel.)
Chris Jericho:
No matter what any of you ass clowns might say, I passed out on Smackdown, and
I did not tap out. If Roddy Piper were any kind of unbiased referee, he would
have realised that and not made a fool out of me. But rest assured Piper, when
Unforgiven rolls around, the only guy who'll be looking foolish is you.
But Roddy Piper is not on my list of concerns for tonight, tonight I bring you
a guest that I'm pleased to see. He's a fellow Canadian, a supporter of law
and justice, and the man who should have become the WWE commissioner back at
Summerslam. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the Mountie!
(The Mountie's music hits, and he makes his way to the ring.)
Chris Jericho:
Now Mountie, it's been nearly a month since you were cheated out of the chance
to become commissioner, and you know, that gives you and me a little something
in common, because I too got cheated at the hands of Piper and Ken Shamrock.
The Mountie:
Chris, I saw what happened to you on Smackdown, and I was horrified by it. I
honestly cannot believe that such a vile, worthless criminal as Ken Shamrock
would think he could get away with such dastardly acts against you. The last
I checked, conspiracy was a crime, and together Ken Shamrock and Roddy Piper
conspired to try and ruin the name of Chris Jericho. That would a crime
against you, and a crime against the great country of Canada.
Chris Jericho:
If you don't mind me asking Mountie, why would a guy like Ken Shamrock peform
such dastardly acts.
The Mountie:
It's simple really. Ken Shamrock is nothing more than a reprobate. A man so
stupid that the only way to make a name for himself is to cheat his way to
victory. A jumped-up, two-bit...
(Ken Shamrock's music hits, and he makes his way down to the ring looking mad.)
Ken Shamrock:
You wanna talk big Mountie? Let's see how you fight, huh? Come on.
Chris Jericho:
Woh there Shamrock, calm down. This is my show, and I don't want any violence
on it. The Mountie was not responsible for what he said, the truth is, I was
the one who helped him plan his responses.
Ken Shamrock:
I might have known you'd have something to do with it Jericho.
Chris Jericho:
You did? I really thought that you'd be shocked. Well, never mind, we can
deal with that, can't we Mountie?
(Shamrock turns around, only to get attacked by the Mountie's shock stick. Y2J
and the Mountie laugh at the fallen Shamrock, before Jericho grabs the mic
Chris Jericho:
See what happens when you piss me off Shamrock, huh? See what happens? Now
say hello to your opponent for Unforgiven, because this guy right here is more
than willing to put a few extra thousand volts through you, junior!
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Rich, 12-11-2005