(As Raw comes on the air, The Undertaker makes his way down to the ring.)
The Undertaker:
The Elimination Chamber, I don't have a problem with. Fighting five guys, most
likely at the same time, I don't have a problem with. But being forced to team
up with the Big Show here tonight, I've got a real problem with that. I'd much
rather do this one alone, so Big Show, I suggest you bring your ass down here,
so that I can beat the hell out of it, and get you out of my face.
(The Big Show's music hits, and he comes out onto the ramp.)
Big Show:
No, no, no Taker. I'm not falling for that one. Besides, the last time you
and I were in the ring together, I beat your ass. The same thing is gonna go
down this Sunday night. But right here tonight, you and I are partners, no
matter whether you like it or not. Hey, it's not that bad Taker. You and me,
we've been tag partners before, tag champions even. Those other four punks
don't chance against our combined might. So whaddya say we call a truce for
right here tonight, so that we can go kick....
(Big Show's speech is stopped by Stone Cold nailing him in the back of the head
with a steel chair.)
Stone Cold:
I hate to use a cliche, but the bigger they come, the harder they fall. And if
you think that was bad, just wait until Sunday night you stupid son of a bitch.
Undertaker, I really don't give a rat's ass whose yard you think that ring is,
you and your little fat ass buddy are going down in there tonight, and again
on Sunday, and that's the bottom line 'cos Stone Cold said...
(The music of The Rock cuts off Austin, as the People's Champ emerges on the
The Rock:
Wohwohwohwohwohwoh! WOH! You seem to be forgetting one thing Austin, you can
whoop as many asses as you want, but you ain't gonna whoop The Rock's ass. I
mean, get a shot of the people's booty right here cameraman, do these people's
wanna see that ass get whooped? Hell no. Now you'd better move that camera
away from the people's booty, because it's getting hot baby, yeah!
Austin, you and I are partners tonight, but we are by no means friends, and
that will never be more true than on Sunday night, when The Rock steps into the
Elimination Chamber, lays the smack down on five jabroni candy asses, and then
leaves the WWE Champion, if ya smellllllll...
(Now Rock gets cut off, this time by the music of Triple H, as the Big Show
slowly starts to come around.)
Triple H:
You know, it's great to see you all out here acting so confident, because that
is the only thing that you have, confidence. And come Sunday night, that is
all going to dry up, when you realise that there is only man capable of getting
through the Elimination Chamber. You know, not one of you has been in a match
such as this. I have, and I know exactly what it takes to win.
All you are, and all you could possibly be a is a victim, because you have not
yet experience evolution. And believe me when I say it will pass you by at
Unforgiven, just like it did the Dead Man on Smackdown. Only one man can leave
as the WWE Champion, and you're looking at him right here. And how do I know
this? Well, it's real simple, because I am the game, and I am tha...
Jeff Jarrett:
Yeah, yeah, that damn good, we've heard it all before.
(Jeff Jarrett appears on the Titantron.)
Jeff Jarrett:
What? You thought I was gonna come down there? I ain't stupid, that's why I'm
the one walking around with this belt around my waist, and I know a setup when
I see one. You boys can speculate and bicker all you want, because the fact
of the matter is, this belt is mine, it's staying mine, and in the Elimination
Chamber, I will do whatever it takes to ensure that what I say is the truth.
And if you don't like that, well there's five different types of Slapnuts out
there, so why don't you all just choke on each other.
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Rich, 12-11-2005