(As Raw comes on the air, Shane McMahon makes his way down to ringside, in his
first day on the job as Commissioner.)
Shane McMahon:
You know, last night wasn't just a victory for me against the Mountie, it was
a victory for each and every one of you great fans of WWE. You see, unlike
William Regal, I intend to make matches for the benefit of the fans, and not
to fulfill my own pathetic ambitions. I want to put on the best possible show,
and get the most out of my competitors.
Which brings me on to the events of last night, and the future events of our
next Pay Per View, Unforgiven.
Last night, Triple H took advantage of the more than dubious officiating of
Nick Patrick to win a triple threat match against Stone Cold and The Rock.
Does Triple H have the right to call himself the greatest icon of attitude
now? Not in my book he doesn't, and if he wants to, he's going to have to
earn it another way, which I'll go more into in just a short while.
Also last night, Jeff Jarrett once again become the WWE Champion. While the
last time Jarrett took the title, it was based upon corruption and conspiracy,
this time, Jarrett did what he did best, he wrestled. But just like Jeff was
allowed a re-match with the Undertaker, so too will the Undertaker be given a
rematch with Jeff, but not just any rematch.
I promised you fans that I would give you what you wanted, and at Unforgiven,
would I be right in thinking that you would want an Elimination Chamber match?
(The crowd roars its approval.)
Shane McMahon:
I thought so. So at Unforgiven, we're gonna tie two rivalries and two big
rematches together. In the Elimination Chamber, it's going to be Jeff Jarrett,
The Undertaker, Triple H, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and a sixth
participant, who I will choose to enter the chamber. As of yet, I do not know
who that sixth man will be, but it's up to the entire WWE roster to show me
exactly who's worthy of getting their shot at the WWE Championship.
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Rich, 12-11-2005