Josh Matthews:
Undertaker, after all the problems of these last few weeks, losing your title
shot, getting it back, and then being faced with a potentially crooked referee,
how do you see your chances here tonight?
The Undertaker:
Josh, it really doesn't matter how high you stack the deck, because all it
means is that Jarrett will have further to fall when I choke slam him from the
top of it. There ain't no DQ in this match tonight, which means that Nick
Patrick could suffer an unfortunate injury and need to be replaced, or that
Jeff Jarrett might not be able to recover from a steel chair shot, even with
the slowest count in the business today.
Fact of the matter is Josh, I'm leaving Vengeance as the WWE Champion, it don't
matter what schemes Jarrett has up his sleeve, because the chances are I've got
a counter for it. And when I'm done with Jarrett, Lesnar's next!
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Rich, 12-11-2005