They lock up.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett misses with a shoulderblock.
The Undertaker misses with a clothesline.
Jeff Jarrett hits The Undertaker with a kick.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a facerake, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker hits a roundhouse right on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker throws Jeff Jarrett out of the ring.
The Undertaker goes through the ropes.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with the Choke Slam.
Sting comes over to make it two-on-one.
Brock Lesnar comes over, but gets cut off.
Brock Lesnar gets back up and lays out Sting.
Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar hit The Undertaker with a double elbowdrop.
Jeff Jarrett whips The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett goes for an inverted atomic drop, but The Undertaker blocks it.
The Undertaker clears the announcers' table.
The Undertaker sets up Jeff Jarrett on the announcers' table.
The Undertaker tries to drive Jeff Jarrett through the table with a Tombstone,
but he blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett shoves The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett throws The Undertaker back into the ring.
Jeff Jarrett tags out to Brock Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett whip The Undertaker into the ropes.
They attempt to hit The Undertaker with a double elbowsmash, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
The Undertaker hits them with a double clothesline.
Jeff Jarrett leaves the ring.
The Undertaker uses a choke slam on Brock Lesnar.
The Undertaker executes the Last Ride on Brock Lesnar.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Undertaker whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar takes The Undertaker down with a lariat.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar tags out to Jeff Jarrett.
Sting enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Brock Lesnar takes The Undertaker down with a lariat.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett hits a backslide on The Undertaker.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jeff Jarrett complains about a slow count.
Brock Lesnar leaves the ring.
The Undertaker takes Jeff Jarrett down with an inside cradle.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a stomp.
The Undertaker runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker goes for a flying clothesline, but Jeff Jarrett
ducks out of the way.
Brock Lesnar enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Jeff Jarrett and Brock Lesnar hit The Undertaker with a double bodyslam.
Sting enters the ring and throws Brock Lesnar out of the ring.
The crowd is behind Sting all the way.
The Undertaker and Sting hit Jeff Jarrett with a double bodyslam.
Sting leaves the ring.
The Undertaker goes for a Tombstone, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a bulldog, but The Undertaker counters it with a low blow.
The Undertaker tags out to Sting.
Sting executes a clothesline on Jeff Jarrett.
Sting uses a flying bodypress on Jeff Jarrett.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Sting uses a vertical suplex on Jeff Jarrett.
Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
a small package.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Jeff Jarrett executes a dropkick on Sting.
Sting bumps into Tim White.
Jeff Jarrett takes Sting down with a side suplex.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett hits Sting with a low blow.
Jeff Jarrett locks Sting in a chokehold.
There is no referee there to ask Sting.
Jeff Jarrett executes a fist to the midsection on Sting.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett misses with an elbow.
Sting executes a powerslam on Jeff Jarrett.
There is no referee to count.
Sting tags out to The Undertaker.
The Undertaker and Sting whip Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
They hit Jeff Jarrett with a double fist to the midsection.
Sting executes a faceslam on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a flying lariat.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Sting leaves the ring.
The Undertaker runs into the ropes.
The Undertaker hits Jeff Jarrett with a kick.
Tim White slowly regains conciousness.
The Undertaker hits a kick to the head on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker uses a chop on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker uses a choke slam on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker executes the Last Ride on Jeff Jarrett.
Tim White counts: One, two, in the ropes...
The Undertaker quickly rolls out under the bottom rope.
He retrieves a mini chainsaw.
The Undertaker hits him with the mini chainsaw.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Undertaker.
Sting enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Sting uses a vertical suplex on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker nails Jeff Jarrett with a flying lariat.
The crowd erupts.
Sting hits Jeff Jarrett with a bodyslam.
The Undertaker hits a flying lariat on Jeff Jarrett.
Sting executes a faceslam on Jeff Jarrett.
The Undertaker uses a flying lariat on Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd erupts.
Sting leaves the ring.
The Undertaker goes for a punch, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with an armbreaker
Jeff Jarrett tags out to Brock Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett whip The Undertaker into the ropes.
They hit The Undertaker with a double kick to the midsection.
Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett whip The Undertaker into the ropes.
They hit The Undertaker with a double fist to the midsection.
Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett hit The Undertaker with a double bodyslam.
Jeff Jarrett leaves the ring.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar misses with a clothesline.
Brock Lesnar goes for a lariat, but The Undertaker counters it with
a Gorilla Press.
The Undertaker takes a swing at Brock Lesnar with the mini chainsaw, but he
gets out of the way.
Brock Lesnar snatches the mini chainsaw from him.
Brock Lesnar hits him with the mini chainsaw.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The Undertaker has been cut open.
Brock Lesnar executes the F-5 on The Undertaker.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Brock Lesnar goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, Sting doesn't make it in time... three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The winners are Brock Lesnar and Jeff Jarrett. Time of match: 0:06:30
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Rich, 12-11-2005