(Raw returns from commerical to find William Regal in the ring, with Brock
Lesnar beside him.)
William Regal:
Ladies and Gentlemen, before I introduce the new WWE Champion, I just want to
welcome the one man that made it all possible. Ladies and Gentlemen, Mr. Nick
(Patrick comes down to the ring, to a large chorus of boos from the fans, and
a small "You Screwed Warrior" chant.)
William Regal:
Mr. Patrick, I just want to commend you on a job well done, and assure you that
you services will undoubtably be employed in future WWE Championship matches.
Now, without further ado, allow me to introduce the brand new WWE Champion,
Jeff Jarrett!
(The crowd heat grows even louder, as Jarrett makes his way down to the ring,
clutching tightly at the Championship Belt.)
William Regal:
Mr. Jarrett, what more can I say other than congratulations. You deserve it.
Jeff Jarrett:
Hahaha, you know that I do William. I worked damn hard to get this belt, and
everybody that I beat along the way would be hard pressed to argue. I know
that the Warrior is gonna complain that it was a fast count, but you know what?
Screw the Warrior. Yeah, it was a fast count, but what are ya gonna do about
it? I've got the belt, and you don't. I earned this right here, by beating
some of the best superstars that this company had. Employing Nick Patrick
last night was merely a safety net to ensure that I got the title that I had
worked so hard for.
But seeing as Nick did a steller job last night, I agree with you William, I
think he should be first in line to referee my title matches in the very near
Thinking about that though, I've got this strange feeling that I won't be able
to have any title matches in the near future. You see, I've already proved
myself to everybody that matters in this business. I've beaten Brock Lesnar,
no offense Brock, and the man who beat him for the title, the Ultimate Warrior.
There is not a man alive in this damn company who can stop me...
(Before Jarrett can continue, a familiar drum beat kicks in, followed by the
words..."Dead Man Walking". The Undertaker appears on the ramp, and then
rides on down to the ring.)
(After entering the ring, Taker stares out Brock Lesnar briefly, before eying
up the champion.)
The Undertaker:
So you think that you earned that belt huh? By beating all the best superstars
that this company had to offer.
Jeff Jarrett:
You're damn right I did.
The Undertaker:
Okay, then answer me this, when did you beat The Undertaker? Actually, don't
bother answering that, because I know what the answer is - you haven't. So,
the way I see it, if you really wanna prove that you deserve that belt, then
you've gotta go through me.
Jeff Jarrett:
Any time Dead Man, any time. We can do it right now.
The Undertaker:
I figured you'd say that, but seeing as you've got the Suit, the Ape and the
Zebra here, I'm gonna have to pass. But I'll tell you what, I'm free around
about...oh, let's say Vengeance.
(The crowd pops at this announcement.)
Jeff Jarrett:
You and me at Vengeance huh? Well I like the sound of that Dead Man. But you
know what, just because you don't want a match now, it don't mean that we can't
have ourselves a little fight.
(Jeff Jarrett drops the mic, and prepares to lock up with the Taker. Before
he does, Brock Lesnar attacks the Dead Man from behind with a clothesline.
Lesnar, Jarrett and Regal continue to triple team the Taker, until all of a
sudden, Sting comes running out of the crowd with a baseball bat to clear out
the heels.
As the show goes off the air, Sting is seen pointing the bat in the direction
of Brock Lesnar.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005