They lock up.
Ric Flair throws The Rock into the turnbuckle.
Ric Flair charges into the corner, but The Rock lifts his leg.
The Rock hits a back suplex on Ric Flair.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a kneebreaker.
The Rock hits a fist to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock attempts to place Ric Flair on the turnbuckle, but Ric Flair blocks it.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.
Ric Flair executes a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair executes a back suplex on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a stomp.
Ric Flair goes for a facerake, but The Rock blocks it.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock goes for a dropkick, but Ric Flair side-steps and The Rock
only hits air.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits a kneebreaker on The Rock.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits a fist to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock executes a DDT on Ric Flair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock covers Ric Flair.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a kick to the midsection.
The Rock uses an eye gouge on Ric Flair.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a DDT.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a chop.
The Rock goes for a clothesline, but Ric Flair counters it with a hiptoss.
In turn, The Rock counters it with a lariat.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits a single-leg takedown on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for an armdrag takedown, but Ric Flair counters it with a lariat.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair misses with a clothesline.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a shoulderblock.
Ric Flair hits a snap mare on The Rock.
Ric Flair shouts "WHOOOOOOO!" to the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Ric Flair for target practice.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock goes for a hiptoss, but Ric Flair counters it with a facerake.
Ric Flair executes a reverse neckbreaker on The Rock.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
The Rock hits an armdrag takedown on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock climbs to the top turnbuckle, but Ric Flair throws him to the mat.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a clothesline.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
Ric Flair and The Rock get hit with a double clothesline.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a slap.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a punch.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
The Rock misses with a kick.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a clothesline.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a clothesline.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock locks Ric Flair in an armbar submission.
Tim White asks Ric Flair if he should stop the fight.
Ric Flair shakes his head.
The Rock lets go after 17 seconds.
The Rock hits a fist to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a vertical suplex.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock executes a forearm to the back on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock throws Ric Flair out of the ring.
The Rock rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a stomp.
The Rock is handed a sheet of glass.
The Rock hits him with the sheet of glass.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock whips him into a sheet of glass.
The Rock hits a punch on Ric Flair.
Tim White counts: 1.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a flying cross body press.
Tim White counts: 2.
Ric Flair is busted wide open.
The Rock clears the announcers' table.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a punch.
The Rock gets back into the ring.
Ric Flair rolls back in under the bottom rope.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock reverses it.
In turn, Ric Flair counters it with an armbreaker.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a clothesline.
The Rock falls out of the ring.
Tim White counts: one, two, three, four, five, six, The Rock reenters the ring.
Ric Flair uses a slap on The Rock.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a snap mare.
Ric Flair hits a kneebreaker on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a punch, but The Rock counters it with an armbreaker.
The Rock catches Ric Flair in an armbar submission.
Ric Flair tries to escape the hold.
The Rock lets go after 11 seconds.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock uses a snap suplex on Ric Flair.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a shoulderblock.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a backdrop.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a low blow.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a chop.
Ric Flair executes a facerake on The Rock.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a chop.
The Rock goes for a DDT, but Ric Flair counters it with an inverted atomic drop.
Ric Flair goes for a headlock takedown, but The Rock throws him off.
The Rock goes for a Hotshot, but Ric Flair counters it with a Thesz press.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with
an armbreaker.
The Rock hits a clothesline on Ric Flair.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a backdrop.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a clothesline.
The Rock uses a backspin DDT on Ric Flair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with the Rock Bottom.
Tim White counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Ric Flair hits a facerake on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a kneebreaker, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a ropeburn, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with an armbreaker.
The Rock executes a punch on Ric Flair.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a vertical suplex.
The Rock uses a hiptoss on Ric Flair.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a kick.
The Rock sets up Ric Flair on the turnbuckle.
The Rock executes a superplex on Ric Flair.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with an elbow.
The Rock goes for a back suplex, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair executes a low blow on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
The Rock executes an eye gouge on Ric Flair.
The Rock hits a kick to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock punches Ric Flair.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock chops Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Ric Flair for target practice.
Ric Flair punches The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Ric Flair for target practice.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a clothesline.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a clothesline.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a snap mare, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock executes a vertical suplex on Ric Flair.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock hits a DDT on Ric Flair.
The Rock goes for a flying cross body press, but Ric Flair
rolls through with the move.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Ric Flair complains about a slow count.
Ric Flair uses a punch on The Rock.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a roundhouse right.
Ric Flair catches The Rock in an abdominal stretch.
The Rock is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Rock inches his way towards the ropes after 12 seconds.
Ric Flair uses a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair executes a vertical suplex on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a punch.
The Rock catches Ric Flair in an armbar submission.
Ric Flair breaks the hold after 15 seconds.
Ric Flair executes a kneebreaker on The Rock.
Ric Flair uses a roundhouse right on The Rock.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a ropeburn, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a kneebreaker, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair goes for a facerake, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for an eye gouge, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair hits a vertical suplex on The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Ric Flair for target practice.
Ric Flair uses a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair puts The Rock in an abdominal stretch.
The Rock is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Rock grabs the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Ric Flair goes for a back suplex, but The Rock counters it with a bulldog.
In turn, Ric Flair counters it with a back suplex.
Ric Flair goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but The Rock counters it with
a facerake.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes, but Ric Flair reverses it.
The Rock executes a backspin DDT on Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a low blow.
Ric Flair goes for a slap, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock executes a Hotshot on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock goes for an eye gouge, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair executes a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for a facerake, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a bodyslam.
The Rock executes the People's Elbow on Ric Flair.
The Rock goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The winner is The Rock. Time of match: 0:17:32
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Rich, 12-11-2005