They lock up.
Brian Kendrick chops Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is going crazy.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick punches Hurricane Helms.
The chants for Brian Kendrick are deafening.
Brian Kendrick hits an elbowsmash on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a slap.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a chop.
Brian Kendrick runs into the ropes.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a spinning heel kick.
The chants for Brian Kendrick are deafening.
Brian Kendrick uses a back elbow on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a springboard leaping swinging DDT.
Brian Kendrick nails Hurricane Helms with an armdrag takedown.
Brian Kendrick goes for a springboard dropkick, but Hurricane Helms
side-steps and Brian Kendrick only hits air.
Hurricane Helms executes a chop on Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms uses a swinging neckbreaker on Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms goes for a fisherman buster, but Brian Kendrick
counters it with a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Brian Kendrick goes for a punch, but Hurricane Helms counters it with
an armbreaker.
Hurricane Helms goes for a spinning leg lariat, but Brian Kendrick
ducks out of the way.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a back elbow.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a springboard leaping swinging DDT.
Brian Kendrick works the crowd.
The chants for Brian Kendrick are deafening.
Brian Kendrick nails Hurricane Helms with a jumping front kick.
Brian Kendrick executes an inverted facelock to knee DDT on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick uses an inverted facelock to knee DDT on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick works the crowd.
The chants for Brian Kendrick are deafening.
Brian Kendrick uses a leg lariat on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick nails Hurricane Helms with flying headscissors.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a forearm smash.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a chop.
Brian Kendrick chops Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick chops Hurricane Helms.
The crowd erupts.
Hurricane Helms chops Brian Kendrick.
The chants for Hurricane Helms are deafening.
Hurricane Helms goes for a DDT, but Brian Kendrick counters it with
a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Brian Kendrick goes for a jumping front kick, but Hurricane Helms
side-steps and Brian Kendrick only hits air.
Hurricane Helms goes for a bodyslam, but Brian Kendrick counters it with
a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, kickout.
Brian Kendrick nails Hurricane Helms with an inverted facelock to knee DDT.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a springboard dropkick.
Brian Kendrick goes for a punch, but Hurricane Helms blocks it.
Hurricane Helms chops Brian Kendrick.
The chants for Hurricane Helms are deafening.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is giving Brian Kendrick a standing ovation.
Hurricane Helms kicks Brian Kendrick.
The crowd is behind Hurricane Helms all the way.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms.
Hurricane Helms kicks Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with an enzuigiri.
The crowd is behind Hurricane Helms all the way.
Hurricane Helms hits an armdrag takedown on Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Hurricane Helms runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Hurricane Helms uses flying headscissors on Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms whips Brian Kendrick into the ropes.
Brian Kendrick misses with an elbow.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with a kick.
Hurricane Helms whips Brian Kendrick into the ropes, but Brian Kendrick
reverses it.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with a kick.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with a legdrop.
Hurricane Helms nails Brian Kendrick with a flying somersault neckbreaker.
Danny Davis removes the chair from the ring.
Hurricane Helms nails Brian Kendrick with a Northern Lights suplex.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Hurricane Helms goes for a slingshot facebuster, but Brian Kendrick slides down
his back.
Brian Kendrick executes an enzuigiri on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick uses a springboard leaping swinging DDT on Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is giving Brian Kendrick a standing ovation.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a forearm smash.
Brian Kendrick nails Hurricane Helms with an elbowsmash.
Brian Kendrick goes for a backdrop, but Hurricane Helms blocks it.
Hurricane Helms runs into the ropes.
Hurricane Helms misses with an elbow.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with a clothesline.
Brian Kendrick falls out of the ring.
Hurricane Helms jumps onto him with a pescado.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hurricane Helms.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
Hurricane Helms throws Brian Kendrick into the ringsteps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hurricane Helms.
Hurricane Helms throws Brian Kendrick into the guardrail.
Danny Davis counts: 2.
Danny Davis counts: 3.
Hurricane Helms goes for a faceslam, but Brian Kendrick blocks it.
Danny Davis counts: 4.
Brian Kendrick throws Hurricane Helms back into the ring.
Brian Kendrick punches Hurricane Helms.
The crowd erupts.
Brian Kendrick kicks Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms punches Brian Kendrick.
The crowd is giving Hurricane Helms a standing ovation.
Brian Kendrick kicks Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Brian Kendrick punches Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a drop toe hold.
Brian Kendrick chops Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Brian Kendrick.
Hurricane Helms kicks Brian Kendrick.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Brian Kendrick kicks Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is giving Brian Kendrick a standing ovation.
Brian Kendrick kicks Hurricane Helms.
The crowd is giving Brian Kendrick a standing ovation.
Hurricane Helms kicks Brian Kendrick.
The crowd breaks into a "Hurricane!" chant.
Hurricane Helms takes Brian Kendrick down with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Hurricane Helms nails Brian Kendrick with a flying somersault neckbreaker.
Hurricane Helms goes for a rana, but Brian Kendrick counters it with
a power bomb.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with a spinning heel kick.
Brian Kendrick uses a spinning heel kick on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a slap.
Brian Kendrick covers Hurricane Helms.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Brian Kendrick uses a spinning heel kick on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick uses flying headscissors on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick whips Hurricane Helms into the ropes.
Hurricane Helms takes Brian Kendrick down with a flying clothesline.
The crowd erupts.
Hurricane Helms takes Brian Kendrick down with a chop.
Hurricane Helms goes for an armdrag takedown, but Brian Kendrick
counters it with a lariat.
Brian Kendrick goes for a kick to the face, but Hurricane Helms blocks it.
Hurricane Helms whips Brian Kendrick into the ropes.
Hurricane Helms hits Brian Kendrick with a shoulderblock.
Hurricane Helms hits a brain buster on Brian Kendrick.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Hurricane Helms.
Hurricane Helms covers Brian Kendrick.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Hurricane Helms whips Brian Kendrick into the turnbuckle.
Hurricane Helms whips Brian Kendrick into the ropes, but Brian Kendrick
reverses it.
Brian Kendrick goes for a punch, but Hurricane Helms blocks it.
Hurricane Helms goes for a bodyslam, but Brian Kendrick counters it with
a small package.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, kickout.
Brian Kendrick whips Hurricane Helms into the ropes, but Hurricane Helms
reverses it.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a clothesline.
Hurricane Helms falls out of the ring.
Brian Kendrick goes outside.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
Brian Kendrick takes Hurricane Helms down with an armdrag takedown.
Brian Kendrick throws Hurricane Helms back into the ring.
Brian Kendrick runs into the ropes.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a spinning heel kick.
Brian Kendrick hits a jumping front kick on Hurricane Helms.
Brian Kendrick hits Hurricane Helms with a kick to the midsection.
Brian Kendrick executes the Sliced Bread #2 on Hurricane Helms.
The crowd erupts.
Brian Kendrick goes for the pin.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The winner is Brian Kendrick. Time of match: 0:10:30
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Rich, 12-11-2005