They lock up.
Bret Hart executes a monkey flip on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a legdrop.
Bret Hart attempts to place Steve Austin on the turnbuckle, but Steve Austin
blocks it.
Bret Hart hits a flying bulldog on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a flying clothesline.
Bret Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Steve Austin counters it with an elbowsmash.
Steve Austin executes a piledriver on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin whips Bret Hart into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin uses a piledriver on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin throws Bret Hart into the turnbuckle.
Steve Austin charges into the corner.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Bret Hart counters it with
a belly-to-belly suplex.
The chants for Bret Hart are deafening.
In turn, Steve Austin counters it with a low blow.
Steve Austin throws Bret Hart out of the ring.
Steve Austin rolls out under the bottom rope.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bret Hart hits an enzuigiri on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart throws Steve Austin back into the ring.
Bret Hart uses a flying clothesline on Steve Austin.
The chants for Bret Hart are deafening.
Bret Hart runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a punch, but Bret Hart blocks it.
Bret Hart puts Steve Austin in a sleeperhold.
Steve Austin tries to escape the hold.
Steve Austin is struggling to reach the ropes.
Steve Austin is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Steve Austin gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 23 seconds.
Bret Hart goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin whips Bret Hart into the ropes.
Bret Hart goes for a flying clothesline, but Steve Austin ducks out of the way.
Steve Austin takes Bret Hart down with a bodyslam.
Steve Austin gives his opponent the finger.
The crowd is behind Steve Austin all the way.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin misses with a clothesline.
Bret Hart misses with a clothesline.
Bret Hart misses with a clothesline.
Steve Austin misses with an elbow.
Steve Austin misses with a clothesline.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a monkey flip.
Bret Hart whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart with an elbow.
Steve Austin takes Bret Hart down with a single-leg takedown.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart with a bodyslam.
Steve Austin puts Bret Hart in an abdominal stretch.
Bret Hart reaches the ropes after 5 seconds.
Steve Austin whips Bret Hart into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart with a shoulderblock.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with an elbow.
Bret Hart runs into the ropes.
Bret Hart misses with a clothesline.
Steve Austin catches Bret Hart in an abdominal stretch.
Bret Hart is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Bret Hart is struggling to reach the ropes.
Bret Hart reaches the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Steve Austin executes a single-leg takedown on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin punches Bret Hart.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart.
The crowd is behind Steve Austin all the way.
Bret Hart kicks Steve Austin.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Steve Austin chops Bret Hart.
Bret Hart punches Steve Austin.
Bret Hart punches Steve Austin.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Bret Hart chops Steve Austin.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Steve Austin kicks Bret Hart.
Bret Hart kicks Steve Austin.
Bret Hart uses a back suplex on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a dropkick.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a Russian legsweep.
Bret Hart goes for the Sharpshooter, but Steve Austin counters it with
a kick-off.
Steve Austin hits a chop on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart.
The crowd is going crazy.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin.
The crowd erupts.
Bret Hart punches Steve Austin.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a monkey flip.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a headbutt.
Bret Hart runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a hiptoss, but Bret Hart counters it with a lariat.
The crowd erupts.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a flying bulldog.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bret Hart throws Steve Austin out of the ring.
Bret Hart goes through the ropes.
Bret Hart whips Steve Austin into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bret Hart hits a German suplex on Steve Austin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bret Hart throws Steve Austin over the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a Russian legsweep.
Bret Hart is handed a string of barb wire.
Bret Hart hits him with the string of barb wire.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bret Hart chokes him with a string of barb wire.
Steve Austin is busted wide open.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with an enzuigiri.
Bret Hart shoves Steve Austin into the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
They're brawling behind the guardrail.
Bret Hart uses a hiptoss on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart is handed a broken bottle.
Bret Hart hits him with the broken bottle.
Bret Hart stabs him with a broken bottle.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a German suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling up the aisle.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bret Hart is handed a glass bottle.
Bret Hart hits him with the glass bottle.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Bret Hart goes for a legdrop, but Steve Austin rolls out of the way.
Steve Austin shoves Bret Hart into the guardrail.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Steve Austin throws Bret Hart over the guardrail.
Steve Austin whips Bret Hart into the guardrail.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Steve Austin goes for a bodyslam, but Bret Hart counters it with an elbowsmash.
Bret Hart hits him with a glass bottle.
The glass bottle is broken in half.
Bret Hart hits a headbutt on Steve Austin.
They're brawling down the aisle.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Bret Hart looks for approval from the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
Bret Hart goes for a hiptoss, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin hits a piledriver on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin is handed a branding iron.
Steve Austin hits him with the branding iron.
The crowd is going crazy.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
Steve Austin hits him with the branding iron.
Steve Austin has the crowd going wild.
Steve Austin is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Bret Hart has been cut open.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Steve Austin hits Bret Hart with a chop.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Bret Hart is handed a Fan's Camera.
Bret Hart hits him with the Fan's Camera.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a back suplex.
Bret Hart hits him with the Fan's Camera.
The crowd breaks into a "Michaels sucks" chant.
Bret Hart hits him with a Fan's Camera.
Bret Hart hits him with the Fan's Camera.
Bret Hart runs Steve Austin into the arena wall.
Bret Hart covers Steve Austin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a piledriver.
The crowd erupts.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Steve Austin goes for a forearm to the back, but Bret Hart side-steps and
Steve Austin only hits air.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a single-leg takedown.
Bret Hart flings Steve Austin over a row of chairs.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Steve Austin is handed the guardrail.
Steve Austin hits him with the guardrail.
The crowd is behind Steve Austin all the way.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Steve Austin flings Bret Hart over a row of chairs.
Steve Austin hits him with the guardrail.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a Russian legsweep.
They're brawling down the stairway.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a single-leg takedown.
Bret Hart executes a single-leg takedown on Steve Austin.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart looks for approval from the crowd.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart is handed a wooden crutch.
Bret Hart hits him with the wooden crutch.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bret Hart hits him with the wooden crutch.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Bret Hart hits him with the wooden crutch.
The crowd erupts.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart executes a European uppercut on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart executes a flying clothesline on Steve Austin.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
Bret Hart hits him with the wooden crutch.
The crowd erupts.
Bret Hart executes a monkey flip on Steve Austin.
Bret Hart hits him with the wooden crutch.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
They're brawling on the second floor.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart gets a sleeperhold on Steve Austin.
Steve Austin is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Steve Austin breaks the hold with a jawbreaker after 8 seconds.
Steve Austin uses a forearm to the back on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin nails Bret Hart with a piledriver.
The crowd breaks into a "Austin! Austin!" chant.
Steve Austin goes for a stomp, but Bret Hart rolls out of the way.
Bret Hart is handed a keyboard.
Bret Hart takes a swing at Steve Austin with the keyboard, but he
gets out of the way.
Steve Austin snatches the keyboard from him.
Steve Austin takes a swing at Bret Hart with the keyboard, but he
gets out of the way.
Bret Hart snatches the keyboard from him.
Bret Hart hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Steve Austin flings Bret Hart over a row of chairs.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Steve Austin executes a snap mare on Bret Hart.
Steve Austin covers Bret Hart.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Bret Hart counters it with a hiptoss.
Bret Hart is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
They're brawling on the second floor.
Bret Hart goes for a headbutt, but Steve Austin blocks it.
They're brawling down the stairway.
Steve Austin goes for a bodyslam, but Bret Hart blocks it.
Bret Hart hits him with the keyboard.
The crowd erupts.
Bret Hart is handed a baseball bat.
Bret Hart hits him with the baseball bat.
The crowd is giving Bret Hart a standing ovation.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Bret Hart nails Steve Austin with a monkey flip.
Bret Hart knocks Steve Austin into the stairway.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Bret Hart hits him with the baseball bat.
Bret Hart locks Steve Austin in a figure-four leglock.
Steve Austin is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Bret Hart lets go after 13 seconds.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Bret Hart throws Steve Austin down to the first floor.
The crowd erupts.
Bret Hart descends the stairs.
Bret Hart is handed a string of barb wire.
Bret Hart hits him with the string of barb wire.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a hiptoss.
Bret Hart uses a bulldog on Steve Austin.
They're brawling down the aisle.
They're brawling up the aisle.
Bret Hart goes for a legdrop, but Steve Austin rolls out of the way.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
Steve Austin nails Bret Hart with a chop.
Steve Austin is handed the ringside steps.
Steve Austin takes a swing at Bret Hart with the ringside steps, but he
gets out of the way.
Bret Hart snatches the ringside steps from him.
Bret Hart hits him with the ringside steps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Bret Hart.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a single-leg takedown.
Bret Hart hits Steve Austin with a monkey flip.
They're brawling in mid-arena.
They're brawling down the aisle.
Bret Hart goes for a sleeperhold, but Steve Austin counters it with a jawbreaker
The crowd is behind Steve Austin all the way.
Steve Austin hits a vertical suplex on Bret Hart.
The chants for Steve Austin are deafening.
Steve Austin hits him with the ringside steps.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Steve Austin.
Steve Austin whips him into the ringside steps.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Bret Hart goes for a bodyslam, but Steve Austin counters it with a facerake.
Steve Austin hits him with the ringside steps.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Bret Hart throws Steve Austin into the arena wall.
They're brawling in the back of the arena.
Steve Austin is handed the ringside steps.
Steve Austin hits him with the ringside steps.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling up the arena stairway.
Steve Austin rams him into the ringside steps.
Steve Austin hits him with the ringside steps.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Bret Hart counters it with
a slingshot into the turnbuckle.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
They're brawling on the first floor.
Bret Hart takes Steve Austin down with a German suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.
The winner is Bret Hart. Time of match: 0:25:43
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Rich, 12-11-2005