They lock up.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a Hotshot.
The crowd is behind Mick Foley all the way.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a kneebreaker.
Mick Foley uses a backbreaker on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley goes for a side suplex, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a gutwrench suplex on Mick Foley.
Mick Foley bumps into James Beard.
There is no referee to count.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
Mick Foley goes for a backbreaker, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett executes a vertical suplex on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
Mick Foley uses a double underhook suplex on Jeff Jarrett.
James Beard is sporting a dazed look but is back on the job.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Mick Foley sets up Jeff Jarrett on the turnbuckle.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett with a superplex.
The crowd is behind Mick Foley all the way.
Mick Foley uses an elbowsmash on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley puts Jeff Jarrett in a sleeperhold.
Jeff Jarrett breaks the hold after 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a swinging neckbreaker.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with an elbowdrop.
Jeff Jarrett whips Mick Foley into the ropes.
Mick Foley misses with a clothesline.
Jeff Jarrett executes a bodyslam on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a flying fistdrop.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with an elbowdrop.
Jeff Jarrett throws Mick Foley out of the ring.
Jeff Jarrett goes through the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett throws Mick Foley into the ringsteps.
James Beard counts: 1.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
James Beard counts: 2.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Mick Foley uses a backbreaker on Jeff Jarrett.
James Beard counts: 3.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a gutwrench suplex.
Mick Foley shoves Jeff Jarrett into the guardrail.
Mick Foley hits a Tombstone on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley is handed a cookie sheet.
Mick Foley takes a swing at Jeff Jarrett with the cookie sheet, but he
gets out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett snatches the cookie sheet from him.
Jeff Jarrett hits him with the cookie sheet.
James Beard counts: 4.
Jeff Jarrett climbs back into the ring.
Mick Foley rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with a stomp.
Jeff Jarrett whips Mick Foley into the ropes, but Mick Foley reverses it.
Mick Foley gets a bearhug on Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Jeff Jarrett makes it to the ropes after 13 seconds.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a piledriver.
Mick Foley goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a piledriver on Mick Foley.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett uses a vertical suplex on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett kicks Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett chops Mick Foley.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett punches Mick Foley.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett uses a gutwrench suplex on Mick Foley.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with a gutwrench suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett catches Mick Foley in a sleeperhold.
Mick Foley manages to grab the ropes after 15 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with an elbow.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
Mick Foley executes a Tombstone on Jeff Jarrett.
The chants for Mick Foley are deafening.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Mick Foley uses a powerslam on Jeff Jarrett.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Mick Foley suddenly slides out of the ring.
He retrieves the guardrail.
Mick Foley takes a swing at Jeff Jarrett with the guardrail, but he
gets out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett snatches the guardrail from him.
Jeff Jarrett hits him with the guardrail.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed out of the building.
James Beard throws the guardrail over the top rope.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett locks Mick Foley in a sleeperhold.
Mick Foley is struggling to reach the ropes.
Mick Foley reaches the ropes after being locked up for 6 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett hits a flying fistdrop on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett hits a swinging neckbreaker on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed out of the building.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a vertical suplex.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a dropkick, but Mick Foley side-steps and Jeff Jarrett
only hits air.
Mick Foley uses a kneebreaker on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley runs into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett misses with an elbow.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a shoulderblock.
Jeff Jarrett uses a stomp on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett executes a dropkick on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett throws Mick Foley into the turnbuckle.
Mick Foley comes back and rocks Jeff Jarrett with a kick to the midsection.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett with a clothesline.
Mick Foley hits a powerslam on Jeff Jarrett.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Mick Foley goes for a bodyslam, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a facerake.
Jeff Jarrett locks Mick Foley in a sleeperhold.
Mick Foley makes it to the ropes after holding out for 13 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett executes a piledriver on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett hits a facerake on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a DDT, but Mick Foley counters it with a low blow.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a kick to the midsection on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a bulldog.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with a bulldog.
Jeff Jarrett executes the Stroke on Mick Foley.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Jeff Jarrett goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a DDT, but Mick Foley counters it with a low blow.
Mick Foley goes for a faceslam, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a fist to the midsection.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a DDT.
Jeff Jarrett is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... shoulder up.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Jeff Jarrett hits an elbowdrop on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Jeff Jarrett chops Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett chops Mick Foley.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a DDT, but Mick Foley counters it with a backdrop.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with an elbow.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with a piledriver.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed out of the building.
Jeff Jarrett takes Mick Foley down with a gutwrench suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Jeff Jarrett nails Mick Foley with a side suplex.
Jeff Jarrett uses a punch on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Mick Foley blocks it.
Mick Foley places Jeff Jarrett on the turnbuckle.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett with a superplex.
Mick Foley runs into the ropes.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett with a kick.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
Jeff Jarrett hits Mick Foley with a kick.
Jeff Jarrett whips Mick Foley into the ropes.
Mick Foley hits Jeff Jarrett with a kick.
Mick Foley hits a back suplex on Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is giving Mick Foley a standing ovation.
Mick Foley uses a swinging neckbreaker on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley executes a side suplex on Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a double underhook suplex.
Mick Foley goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a swinging neckbreaker on Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett punches Mick Foley.
Mick Foley punches Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett kicks Mick Foley.
Jeff Jarrett locks Mick Foley in a chokehold.
James Beard warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
James Beard counts: One, two, three, four.
Jeff Jarrett uses a flying dropkick on Mick Foley.
Numerous fans are using Jeff Jarrett for target practice.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Mick Foley misses with a kick.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Mick Foley counters it with
a side suplex.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Mick Foley takes Jeff Jarrett down with a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is giving Mick Foley a standing ovation.
Mick Foley whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes.
Mick Foley puts Jeff Jarrett in an abdominal stretch.
Jeff Jarrett tries to escape the hold.
Jeff Jarrett gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
Mick Foley executes a kneebreaker on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley uses a faceslam on Jeff Jarrett.
Mick Foley goes for a back suplex, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Jeff Jarrett executes the Stroke on Mick Foley.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Jeff Jarrett goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
The winner is Jeff Jarrett. Time of match: 0:14:12
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Rich, 12-11-2005