They lock up.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a back suplex.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the turnbuckle.
Ric Flair runs shoulder-first into the corner, but The Rock
moves out of the way.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with an elbow.
Ric Flair throws The Rock out of the ring.
Ric Flair goes through the ropes.
Ric Flair throws The Rock into the guardrail.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a chop.
Ric Flair reenters the ring.
The Rock follows him back in.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
Ric Flair further incites the crowd.
Ric Flair hits The Rock.
Ric Flair is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Ric Flair tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase and Ric Flair whip The Rock into the ropes.
They hit The Rock with a double kick to the midsection.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a headlock takedown.
Ted DiBiase goes for a flying axhandle, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
The Rock nails Ted DiBiase with a vertical suplex.
The Rock executes an eye gouge on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock executes a clothesline on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock goes for a back suplex, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase throws The Rock out of the ring.
Earl Hebner counts: one, two, three, four, five, The Rock reenters the ring.
Ted DiBiase tags out to Ric Flair.
Ted DiBiase executes a lariat on The Rock.
Ric Flair goes for an inside cradle, but The Rock blocks it.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
The Rock goes for a snap suplex, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair sends The Rock into the turnbuckle.
Ric Flair runs shoulder-first into the corner, but The Rock
moves out of the way.
The Rock goes for a DDT, but Ric Flair counters it with a small package.
Earl Hebner counts: One, kickout.
Ric Flair executes a chop on The Rock.
Ted DiBiase enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase hit The Rock with a double vertical suplex.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a punch.
Ric Flair goes for a kneebreaker, but The Rock counters it with an elbowsmash.
The Rock uses a punch on Ric Flair.
The Rock throws Ric Flair out of the ring.
The Rock rolls out under the bottom rope.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with a fist to the midsection.
Earl Hebner counts: 1.
Earl Hebner counts: 2.
The Rock gets back into the ring.
Ric Flair follows him back in.
The Rock goes for a forearm to the back, but Ric Flair side-steps and The Rock
only hits air.
Ric Flair shouts "WHOOOOOOO!" to the crowd.
Ric Flair is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a backdrop.
Ric Flair tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase goes for a vertical suplex, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock sets up Ted DiBiase on the turnbuckle.
The Rock hits a superplex on Ted DiBiase.
The chants for The Rock are deafening.
The Rock throws Ted DiBiase into the turnbuckle, but Ted DiBiase reverses it.
Ted DiBiase charges into the corner.
Ted DiBiase hits a headbutt on The Rock.
Ted DiBiase tags out to Ric Flair.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the turnbuckle.
Ric Flair charges into the corner, but The Rock moves out of the way.
The Rock throws Ric Flair into the turnbuckle.
The Rock goes for a kick to the midsection, but Ric Flair blocks it.
Ric Flair hits a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a vertical suplex.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes.
Ric Flair misses with an elbow.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a backdrop.
Ric Flair executes a low blow on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a low blow.
Ric Flair uses a low blow on The Rock.
Ted DiBiase enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase whip The Rock into the ropes.
They hit The Rock with a double backdrop.
Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase whip The Rock into the ropes.
They hit The Rock with a double fist to the midsection.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
Ric Flair hits a ropeburn on The Rock.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
The Rock chops Ric Flair.
The Rock chops Ric Flair.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Ric Flair hits The Rock.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Ric Flair hits The Rock.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
Ric Flair is being booed out of the building.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a chop.
Ric Flair gets an abdominal stretch on The Rock.
Ric Flair lets go after 14 seconds.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a kneebreaker.
Ric Flair executes a chop on The Rock.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock uses a kick to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a dropkick.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits a backspin DDT on Ric Flair.
The Rock goes for the Rock Bottom, but Ric Flair counters it with a low blow.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a kick.
The Rock is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, shoulder up.
The Rock uses a clothesline on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair collides with Earl Hebner.
The Rock goes for an elbowdrop, but Ric Flair rolls out of the way.
Ric Flair tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase and Ric Flair whip The Rock into the ropes.
Ted DiBiase and Ric Flair hit The Rock with a double bodyslam.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
Ted DiBiase hits The Rock with a chop.
Ted DiBiase goes for a headbutt, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock executes a vertical suplex on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock punches Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock kicks Ted DiBiase.
The Rock goes for a front facelock, but Ted DiBiase counters it with
an inverted atomic drop.
Ted DiBiase nails The Rock with a chop.
Ted DiBiase punches The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Ted DiBiase for target practice.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase.
The crowd breaks into a "Rocky, Rocky" chant.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
The Rock uses an armbreaker on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock attempts to place Ted DiBiase on the turnbuckle, but Ted DiBiase
blocks it.
The Rock goes for a bodyslam, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase takes The Rock down with a lariat.
Ted DiBiase runs into the ropes.
The Rock goes for a hiptoss, but Ted DiBiase counters it with a backslide.
There is no referee to count.
Ted DiBiase goes for a Hotshot, but The Rock counters it with a lariat.
The Rock throws Ted DiBiase out of the ring.
The Rock rolls out under the bottom rope.
The Rock throws Ted DiBiase back into the ring.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with a dropkick.
The Rock goes for a Hotshot, but Ted DiBiase counters it with a lariat.
Ted DiBiase tags out to Ric Flair.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock places Ric Flair on the turnbuckle.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a superplex.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock chops Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock kicks Ric Flair.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock executes a clothesline on Ric Flair.
The Rock goes for an elbowdrop, but Ric Flair rolls out of the way.
Earl Hebner crawls over to the ropes and uses them to get up.
Ric Flair tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ric Flair hits a reverse neckbreaker on The Rock.
Ted DiBiase goes for a flying axhandle, but The Rock counters it with a punch.
Ted DiBiase re-reverses it.
Ric Flair goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but The Rock counters it with
a facerake.
Ric Flair rolls out of the ring.
The Rock nails Ted DiBiase with a dropkick.
The Rock raises the People's eyebrow.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Ted DiBiase goes for a powerslam, but The Rock counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock executes a Hotshot on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock hits a back suplex on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock uses a punch on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock kicks Ted DiBiase.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock kicks Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock uses a DDT on Ted DiBiase.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Ted DiBiase goes for a lariat, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with a snap suplex.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase runs into the ropes.
Ted DiBiase hits The Rock with a kick.
Ted DiBiase tags out to Ric Flair.
Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase whip The Rock into the ropes.
They attempt to hit The Rock with a double elbowsmash, but he counters
it with a duck-down move.
The Rock hits them with a double clothesline.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
The Rock hits a DDT on Ric Flair.
The Rock executes a stomp on Ric Flair.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock whips Ric Flair into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a shoulderblock.
Ric Flair covers The Rock.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Ric Flair runs into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a shoulderblock.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a kick.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a kick.
Ric Flair takes The Rock down with a slap.
Ric Flair puts The Rock in an abdominal stretch.
The Rock makes it to the ropes after 5 seconds.
Ric Flair goes for a reverse neckbreaker, but The Rock counters it with
a backward kick.
The Rock uses a vertical suplex on Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock uses a clothesline on Ric Flair.
The Rock is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock uses a fist to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a chop.
The Rock goes for an armbreaker, but Ric Flair counters it with a sleeperhold.
The Rock inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Ted DiBiase enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase whip The Rock into the ropes.
They hit The Rock with a double fist to the midsection.
Ted DiBiase leaves the ring.
Ric Flair goes for a bodyslam, but The Rock counters it with a facerake.
The Rock hits a fist to the midsection on Ric Flair.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a fist to the midsection.
The Rock takes Ric Flair down with a flying cross body press.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock goes for a DDT, but Ric Flair counters it with a low blow.
Ric Flair hits a headlock takedown on The Rock.
Ric Flair hits The Rock.
Ric Flair chops The Rock.
Ric Flair is being booed out of the building.
The Rock hits Ric Flair.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
Ric Flair hits The Rock.
Ric Flair kicks The Rock.
Ric Flair whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ric Flair with a backspin DDT.
The crowd erupts.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock nails Ric Flair with the Rock Bottom.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a ropeburn.
Ric Flair nails The Rock with a chop.
Ric Flair goes for a facerake, but The Rock blocks it.
Ric Flair begs off.
The Rock hits a Hotshot on Ric Flair.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a kick.
Ric Flair tags out to Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase and Ric Flair whip The Rock into the ropes.
They hit The Rock with a double fist to the midsection.
Ric Flair hits The Rock with a bodyslam.
Ted DiBiase goes for a flying axhandle, but The Rock counters it with
a fist to the midsection.
Ric Flair leaves the ring.
The Rock catches Ted DiBiase in an armbar submission.
Ted DiBiase breaks the hold after 10 seconds.
Ted DiBiase gives the sign for the Million Dollar Dream.
Ted DiBiase executes the Million Dollar Dream on The Rock.
The Rock is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Rock is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Rock is inching his way towards the ropes.
The Rock is close to passing out from the pain.
Earl Hebner asks The Rock if he's still there.
The Rock nods.
Earl Hebner asks The Rock if he should stop the fight.
The Rock shakes his head.
The Rock is inching his way towards the ropes.
The Rock tries to fight the pain.
The Rock is writhing in pain.
The Rock manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 43 seconds.
Ted DiBiase goes for a chokehold, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock uses a chop on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock chops Ted DiBiase.
The Rock punches Ted DiBiase.
The Rock sets up Ted DiBiase on the turnbuckle.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with a superplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock hits a vertical suplex on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock takes Ted DiBiase down with a clothesline.
The Rock catches Ted DiBiase in a front facelock.
Ted DiBiase reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
The Rock goes for an armbar submission, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase hits The Rock.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase punches The Rock.
Ted DiBiase hits a chop on The Rock.
Ted DiBiase goes for a piledriver, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a kneebreaker, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase goes for a cobra clutch, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock takes Ted DiBiase down with a punch.
The Rock hits a clothesline on Ted DiBiase.
The Rock whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes, but Ted DiBiase reverses it.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with an elbow.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with an elbow.
The Rock puts Ted DiBiase in an elbow submission.
Ted DiBiase is struggling to reach the ropes.
The Rock lets go after 11 seconds.
The Rock nails Ted DiBiase with a kick to the midsection.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with a shoulderblock.
The Rock is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock puts Ted DiBiase in a front facelock.
Ted DiBiase grabs the ropes after being trapped for 7 seconds.
The Rock throws Ted DiBiase out of the ring.
The Rock goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Ted DiBiase goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but The Rock counters it with
a side suplex.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock is handed an acoustic guitar.
The Rock hits him with the acoustic guitar.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock hits Ted DiBiase with an elbowdrop.
The Rock knocks Ted DiBiase into the ringpost.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock hits him with the acoustic guitar.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock hits him with the acoustic guitar.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock sets up a table.
The Rock sets up Ted DiBiase on the table.
The Rock tries to drive Ted DiBiase through the table with a legdrop, but he
moves out of the way.
The table didn't break.
Earl Hebner counts: 1.
Earl Hebner counts: 2.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Earl Hebner counts: 3.
The Rock has been cut open.
Earl Hebner counts: 4.
Ted DiBiase gets back into the ring.
The Rock follows him back in.
Ted DiBiase executes the Million Dollar Dream on The Rock.
The Rock tries to fight the pain.
The Rock submits after 15 seconds.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
The winners are Ric Flair and Ted DiBiase. Time of match: 0:23:14
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Rich, 12-11-2005