Josh Matthews:
Bret Hart, at Judgment Day, you face Stone Cold Steve Austin in a submission
match, but just a few days prior to that, you'll team with the Ultimate Warrior
on Smackdown to face both Austin and Hulk Hogan. Are you ready to take out
the Rattlesnake once more?
Bret Hart:
Well Josh, I'll admit that Steve Austin has always been a real tough opponent
for me, probably the toughest I'll ever face, but the fact of the matter is,
I know I can beat him, and I will beat him.
Just watch him against Jeff Jarrett next Josh. He will make mistakes, and if
he makes them against me, I will capitalise. If Austin thought Wrestlemania
was bad, he ain't seen nothing yet. I'm going for it, and I'm gonna make sure
I get it done properly this time.
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Rich, 12-11-2005