Josh Matthews:
Ric Flair, you're not scheduled to compete tonight, but as is expected, you
have a major interest in the Rock versus Ted DiBiase match here tonight.
Ric Flair:
That's right Josh. Rock, you paid the price last Monday, when Ted DiBiase made
a fool out of you. He's gonna do it again tonight, and then I'm gonna get to
do it at Judgment Day.
You see Rock, no matter how much you try to convince yourself that you're a
star, that the ladies love you, and that you're the hottest going today, you
will soon just have to accept the fact that all those accolades belong to the
Nature Boy Ric Flair. And you Rock, you're not even second brother, and as
soon as I can, I'm gonna prove that to you. Wooooooo!
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Rich, 12-11-2005