They lock up.
Scott Hall punches Val Venis.
A fan at ringside badmouths Scott Hall.
Scott Hall chops Val Venis.
Val Venis punches Scott Hall.
The chants for Val Venis are deafening.
Val Venis punches Scott Hall.
The chants for Val Venis are deafening.
Val Venis hits Scott Hall.
Scott Hall chops Val Venis.
Scott Hall is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Val Venis punches Scott Hall.
The crowd is giving Val Venis a standing ovation.
Val Venis kicks Scott Hall.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Val Venis hits a slap on Scott Hall.
Val Venis nails Scott Hall with a slap.
Val Venis executes a belly-to-back suplex on Scott Hall.
Val Venis throws Scott Hall out of the ring.
Val Venis goes outside.
Val Venis shoves Scott Hall into the guardrail.
Earl Hebner counts: 1.
Val Venis gets back into the ring.
Scott Hall follows him back in.
Val Venis nails Scott Hall with a fisherman suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Val Venis hits Scott Hall with an elbowsmash.
Val Venis hits a forearm smash on Scott Hall.
Val Venis goes for a fisherman suplex, but Scott Hall blocks it.
Scott Hall goes for a choke slam, but Val Venis blocks it.
Val Venis takes Scott Hall down with an inverted atomic drop.
Val Venis runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall hits Val Venis with an elbow.
Scott Hall locks Val Venis in an abdominal stretch.
Val Venis is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Val Venis is struggling to reach the ropes.
Val Venis manages to grab the ropes after 11 seconds.
Scott Hall hits a flying bulldog on Val Venis.
Scott Hall hits a flying bulldog on Val Venis.
Scott Hall is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Scott Hall does a crotch chop.
Scott Hall is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Scott Hall catches Val Venis in an abdominal stretch.
Val Venis breaks the hold after 11 seconds.
Val Venis executes a snap suplex on Scott Hall.
Val Venis takes Scott Hall down with a punch.
Val Venis uses an elbowsmash on Scott Hall.
Val Venis takes Scott Hall down with a flying cross body press.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Val Venis whips Scott Hall into the ropes.
Val Venis misses with a clothesline.
Scott Hall hits Val Venis with a kick.
Scott Hall uses a back suplex on Val Venis.
Scott Hall hits Val Venis with a kick to the midsection.
Scott Hall executes a clothesline on Val Venis.
Scott Hall attempts to place Val Venis on the turnbuckle, but Val Venis
blocks it.
Scott Hall nails Val Venis with a bulldog headlock.
Scott Hall goes for a headlock takedown, but Val Venis throws him off.
Val Venis takes Scott Hall down with a fisherman suplex.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The winner is Val Venis. Time of match: 0:04:31
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Rich, 12-11-2005