They lock up.
Shawn Michaels goes for a German suplex, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase hits Shawn Michaels with a headbutt.
Ted DiBiase hits Shawn Michaels with a bulldog.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits Ted DiBiase with a clothesline.
Ted DiBiase falls out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels rolls out under the bottom rope.
Danny Davis counts: 1.
Shawn Michaels takes Ted DiBiase down with an atomic drop.
Danny Davis counts: 2.
Danny Davis counts: 3.
Shawn Michaels reenters the ring.
Ted DiBiase follows him back in.
Shawn Michaels uses a back suplex on Ted DiBiase.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
The Big Show enters the ring, but gets cut off.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They hit Ted DiBiase with a double kick to the midsection.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Shawn Michaels hits Ted DiBiase with a back suplex.
Shawn Michaels executes a kick to the midsection on Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels kicks Ted DiBiase.
The chants for Shawn Michaels are deafening.
Shawn Michaels hits Ted DiBiase.
The chants for Shawn Michaels are deafening.
Shawn Michaels chops Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels goes for an atomic drop, but Ted DiBiase counters it with
a bulldog.
Ted DiBiase laughs loudly.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Ted DiBiase runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels executes a punch on Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels hits Ted DiBiase with a kneelift.
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They hit Ted DiBiase with a double clothesline.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit Ted DiBiase with a double kneelift.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit Ted DiBiase with a double forearm smash.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Ted DiBiase with a double fist to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels executes a clothesline on Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Shawn Michaels uses a piledriver on Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels covers Ted DiBiase.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, The Big Show doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd erupts.
The winners are The Kliq. Time of match: 0:02:46
Kevin Nash enters the ring to make it two-on-one.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They hit Ted DiBiase with a double clothesline.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit Ted DiBiase with a double kneelift.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash hit Ted DiBiase with a double forearm smash.
Shawn Michaels and Kevin Nash whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They attempt to hit Ted DiBiase with a double fist to the midsection, but he
counters it with a double clothesline.
Kevin Nash leaves the ring.
Ted DiBiase whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels executes a clothesline on Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Shawn Michaels uses a piledriver on Ted DiBiase.
Shawn Michaels covers Ted DiBiase.
Danny Davis counts: One, two, The Big Show doesn't make it in time... three.
The crowd erupts.
The winners are The Kliq. Time of match: 0:02:46
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Rich, 12-11-2005