(After the Bashams leave, Hogan and Rock are set to do the same, when the music
of Triple H kicks in. He and Ric Flair emerge on the stage.)
Triple H:
You know Rock, it seems to me like Hogan has passed that little losing streak
of his onto you. That's twice now that the Bashams have got you, and this time
it didn't even need to happen. You could have just taken the time limit draw
and walked away, but as always you had to play the hero. And look where it
got you.
But Rock, all that could change, provided you do one thing. You see, me and
Ric have made a decision to reform Evolution. And what we need Rock..well,
we need you. All you have to do is walk away from that ancient relic you're
standing with, and join with us. Then, and only then, will you be able to
truly regain your winning ways, which are being sucked away from you by that
red and yellow leech.
Ric Flair:
The choice is yours Rock, but don't decide now. You see the match is set for
Backlash. You and Hogan, me and Hunter. You can decide before, during or
after Rock, but you'd better make the right choice, because you'll regret it..
woooooooo...if you make the wrong one.
Triple H:
Rock, I'm confident that you know what to do. At Backlash, you can be kissing
Hogan's ass, or you can be kicking it. I know which way is best for you, but
do you?
(Triple H's music hits again, as he and Flair leave.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005