They lock up.
X-Pac runs into the ropes.
X-Pac goes for a thrust kick to the head, but Val Venis ducks out of the way.
Val Venis throws X-Pac out of the ring.
Val Venis rolls out under the bottom rope.
Val Venis shoves X-Pac into the guardrail.
James Beard counts: 1.
Val Venis throws X-Pac back into the ring.
Val Venis uses a powerslam on X-Pac.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Val Venis nails X-Pac with an elbowsmash.
Val Venis uses a bodyslam on X-Pac.
Val Venis goes for the Venis Lock, but X-Pac counters it with a kick-off.
X-Pac whips Val Venis into the ropes.
Val Venis takes X-Pac down with a clothesline.
Val Venis nails X-Pac with a clothesline.
Val Venis is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Val Venis goes for a kick to the midsection, but X-Pac blocks it.
X-Pac hits a vertical suplex on Val Venis.
X-Pac takes Val Venis down with a kick to the thigh.
X-Pac runs into the ropes.
X-Pac hits Val Venis with an elbow.
X-Pac whips Val Venis into the ropes.
X-Pac executes an enzuigiri on Val Venis.
X-Pac is starting to get under the crowd's skin.
X-Pac uses a bodyslam on Val Venis.
X-Pac whips Val Venis into the turnbuckle.
X-Pac charges in with the Bronco Buster.
X-Pac goes for a kick to the midsection, but Val Venis blocks it.
Val Venis runs into the ropes.
Val Venis misses with a shoulderblock.
Val Venis misses with an elbow.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with a kick.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with a fisherman suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, in the ropes...
Val Venis executes a vertical suplex on X-Pac.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with an elbowsmash.
Val Venis kicks X-Pac.
Val Venis kicks X-Pac.
The crowd is starting to get behind Val Venis.
Val Venis uses a slap on X-Pac.
Val Venis chops X-Pac.
Val Venis kicks X-Pac.
The crowd is starting to get behind Val Venis.
Val Venis uses a short clothesline on X-Pac.
A small "Val Venis" chant is being started.
Val Venis goes for a headlock takedown, but X-Pac counters it with a back suplex
In turn, Val Venis counters it with a facerake.
Val Venis throws X-Pac out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, two, X-Pac reenters the ring.
Val Venis goes for a kick to the midsection, but X-Pac blocks it.
X-Pac goes for a forearm to the back, but Val Venis side-steps and X-Pac
only hits air.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with a German suplex.
James Beard counts: One, kickout.
Val Venis hits a belly-to-back suplex on X-Pac.
The crowd is cheering on Val Venis.
Val Venis goes for a flying cross body press, but X-Pac
rolls through with the move.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
X-Pac complains about a slow count.
X-Pac uses a bodyslam on Val Venis.
X-Pac is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
X-Pac hits Val Venis with an enzuigiri.
X-Pac hits a dropkick on Val Venis.
X-Pac slowly goes to the outside.
He brings a motor cycle helmet into the ring.
X-Pac hits him with the motor cycle helmet.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
X-Pac goes for a German suplex, but Val Venis blocks it.
Val Venis executes an inverted atomic drop on X-Pac.
Val Venis uses a slap on X-Pac.
Val Venis uses a short clothesline on X-Pac.
Val Venis hits a kick to the midsection on X-Pac.
Val Venis executes a bodyslam on X-Pac.
Val Venis executes the Venis Lock on X-Pac.
X-Pac tries to escape the hold.
X-Pac is valiantly trying to break the hold.
X-Pac summons one last burst of energy.
James Beard asks X-Pac if he's still there.
X-Pac nods.
James Beard asks X-Pac if he's had enough.
X-Pac shakes his head.
James Beard asks X-Pac if he's had enough.
X-Pac shakes his head.
James Beard tells X-Pac to respond or he'll stop the fight.
X-Pac nods.
James Beard tells X-Pac to respond or he'll stop the fight.
X-Pac nods.
X-Pac tries to fight the pain.
X-Pac summons one last burst of energy.
James Beard checks X-Pac's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
X-Pac fights his way out of the hold after 38 seconds.
X-Pac goes for a flying cross body press, but Val Venis ducks out of the way.
Val Venis whips X-Pac into the ropes, but X-Pac reverses it.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with an elbow.
Val Venis hits an elbowsmash on X-Pac.
Val Venis hits a knee to the back on X-Pac.
Val Venis runs into the ropes.
X-Pac hits a kick to the head on Val Venis.
X-Pac goes for a bodyslam, but Val Venis blocks it.
Val Venis runs into the ropes.
Val Venis hits X-Pac with a clothesline.
Val Venis goes for a kick to the midsection, but X-Pac counters it with
a dragon screw.
X-Pac nails Val Venis with a Northern Lights suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
X-Pac goes for a bodyslam, but Val Venis counters it with a facerake.
Val Venis goes for a kick to the midsection, but X-Pac blocks it.
X-Pac hits him with a motor cycle helmet.
X-Pac hits Val Venis with a vertical suplex.
X-Pac runs into the ropes.
Val Venis nails X-Pac with a chop.
Val Venis takes X-Pac down with a fisherman suplex.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
Val Venis has the crowd going wild.
The winner is Val Venis. Time of match: 0:07:58
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Rich, 12-11-2005