(Chris Jericho makes his way down to the ring clutching a mic.)
Chris Jericho:
Did you see it? Did you see it, huh? Last Monday night, after an almighty
superplex, I pinned the great Shawn Michaels' shoulders to the mat for the
1, 2, 3 count. I defeated the man that many claim was the greatest champion
and showman of all time.
At Wrestlemania, I'm going to prove a whole lot of people wrong, when I show
them I am the greatest showman of all time. Shawn Michaels, you won't last
the hour, but I certainly will. And time after time, minute after minute, I
will be pinning your ass until I have amassed an unbeatable lead. Then I
might just spend around 20 minutes getting my breath back, before defeating
you over and over again.
Michaels, you have to realise that I am now the true showstopper, and you my
friend are nothing more than the Has Be...
(Jericho's rant is cut off by the music of Kevin Nash.)
Kevin Nash:
Hey Jericho, I got a message for ya. Courtesy of Shawn Michaels.
Chris Jericho:
Oh really? And what's that, Big Daddy Fool?
Kevin Nash:
Oh it ain't a spoken message Jericho, it's an ass kicking message. And I'm
coming down there right now to give it to ya.
(Nash makes his way down to the ring, and it seems as though a match is
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Rich, 12-11-2005