They lock up.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall.
Scott Hall chops Shawn Michaels.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Shawn Michaels chops Scott Hall.
The crowd is starting to get behind Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels kicks Scott Hall.
The crowd is starting to get behind Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels gets an armbar submission on Scott Hall.
Scott Hall manages to grab the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Shawn Michaels takes Scott Hall down with a kick to the midsection.
Shawn Michaels whips Scott Hall into the ropes, but Scott Hall reverses it.
Scott Hall hits a roundhouse right on Shawn Michaels.
Scott Hall goes for a flying bulldog, but Shawn Michaels side-steps and
Scott Hall only hits air.
Shawn Michaels whips Scott Hall into the ropes.
Scott Hall misses with a clothesline.
Scott Hall nails Shawn Michaels with a clothesline.
Scott Hall runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels nails Scott Hall with a dropkick.
Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels misses with a shoulderblock.
Scott Hall uses a clothesline on Shawn Michaels.
Scott Hall runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall and Shawn Michaels get hit with a double clothesline.
Scott Hall uses a bodyslam on Shawn Michaels.
Scott Hall nails Shawn Michaels with a flying bulldog.
Scott Hall uses a flying bulldog on Shawn Michaels.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Scott Hall goes for an atomic drop, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
a headlock takedown.
Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall misses with an elbow.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with a flying clothesline.
A small "Shawn Michaels" chant is being started.
Shawn Michaels nails Scott Hall with a vertical suplex.
Shawn Michaels goes for a flying dropkick, but Scott Hall ducks out of the way.
Scott Hall goes for a bodyslam, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Shawn Michaels runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with a clothesline.
Shawn Michaels whips Scott Hall into the ropes, but Scott Hall reverses it.
Scott Hall locks Shawn Michaels in an abdominal stretch.
Shawn Michaels is struggling to reach the ropes.
Shawn Michaels is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Shawn Michaels tries to fight the pain.
Shawn Michaels grabs the ropes after being trapped for 18 seconds.
Scott Hall executes a flying bulldog on Shawn Michaels.
Scott Hall does a crotch chop.
Scott Hall further incites the crowd.
Scott Hall hits Shawn Michaels with a kick to the midsection.
Scott Hall whips Shawn Michaels into the ropes.
Scott Hall hits Shawn Michaels with an elbow.
Scott Hall takes Shawn Michaels down with a clothesline.
Scott Hall runs into the ropes.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with an elbow.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with a kneelift.
Shawn Michaels nails Scott Hall with a vertical suplex.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with a clothesline.
Shawn Michaels goes for a flying dropkick, but Scott Hall ducks out of the way.
Scott Hall goes for a bodyslam, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Shawn Michaels uses a forearm smash on Scott Hall.
Shawn Michaels takes Scott Hall down with a reverse neckbreaker.
The crowd is cheering on Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels throws Scott Hall out of the ring.
Shawn Michaels jumps onto him with a plancha.
Shawn Michaels goes for a hiptoss, but Scott Hall counters it with a lariat.
Shawn Michaels is starting to bleed.
Scott Hall knocks Shawn Michaels into the ringpost.
Tim White counts: 1.
Scott Hall throws Shawn Michaels into the guardrail.
Scott Hall hits Shawn Michaels with a fallaway slam.
Tim White counts: 2.
Scott Hall goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Shawn Michaels blocks it.
Tim White counts: 3.
Shawn Michaels hits Scott Hall with a clothesline.
Tim White counts: 4.
Shawn Michaels throws Scott Hall into the guardrail.
Tim White counts: 5.
Shawn Michaels climbs back into the ring.
Scott Hall follows him back in.
Shawn Michaels nails Scott Hall with a headlock takedown.
Shawn Michaels goes for a flying dropkick, but Scott Hall ducks out of the way.
Scott Hall takes Shawn Michaels down with a faceslam.
Scott Hall further incites the crowd.
Scott Hall hits Shawn Michaels with a kneelift.
Scott Hall runs into the ropes.
Scott Hall hits a clothesline on Shawn Michaels.
Scott Hall goes for a powerslam, but Shawn Michaels counters it with
a swinging neckbreaker.
The crowd is cheering on Shawn Michaels.
Shawn Michaels executes the Sweet Chin Music on Scott Hall.
Shawn Michaels goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
There are lots of chants for Shawn Michaels.
The winner is Shawn Michaels. Time of match: 0:06:20
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Rich, 12-11-2005