They lock up.
Steve Austin nails Jeff Jarrett with a piledriver.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett with an elbowsmash.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett hits Steve Austin.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett kicks Steve Austin.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett punches Steve Austin.
The crowd is booing Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin sends Jeff Jarrett into the turnbuckle.
Steve Austin charges into the corner.
Steve Austin hits a kick to the midsection on Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Steve Austin goes for the Stone Cold Stunner, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Steve Austin executes a snap mare on Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin uses a chop on Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin goes for a kick to the midsection, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a kick to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett puts Steve Austin in a sleeperhold.
Steve Austin is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Steve Austin gets ahold of the ropes after being locked up for 12 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett nails Steve Austin with a piledriver.
Jeff Jarrett puts Steve Austin in a chokehold.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett is going for the cover.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Jeff Jarrett hits a side suplex on Steve Austin.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett hits a bulldog on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett hits an elbowdrop on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Jeff Jarrett ducks out of the way.
Jeff Jarrett nails Steve Austin with a flying dropkick.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
The crowd is booing Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett takes Steve Austin down with a facerake.
Jeff Jarrett hits Steve Austin with a flying dropkick.
A fan at ringside badmouths Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a piledriver, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin hits a kneelift on Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett begs off.
Steve Austin goes for a back suplex, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Jeff Jarrett punches Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett punches Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett further incites the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett chops Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Steve Austin chops Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Jeff Jarrett blocks it.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a vertical suplex, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin nails Jeff Jarrett with an elbowsmash.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin uses a fistdrop on Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin goes for a bodyslam, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with a facerake.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a bulldog, but Steve Austin counters it with a back suplex
Steve Austin hits a piledriver on Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is cheering on Steve Austin.
Steve Austin covers Jeff Jarrett.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Steve Austin takes Jeff Jarrett down with an elbowsmash.
Steve Austin hits Jeff Jarrett with a snap mare.
Steve Austin is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Steve Austin uses a chop on Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin punches Jeff Jarrett.
The crowd is cheering on Steve Austin.
Steve Austin punches Jeff Jarrett.
There are lots of chants for Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett chops Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett punches Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett further incites the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett uses a vertical suplex on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett takes Steve Austin down with a vertical suplex.
Jeff Jarrett goes for a piledriver, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin punches Jeff Jarrett.
There are lots of chants for Steve Austin.
Steve Austin chops Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett chops Steve Austin.
A fan at ringside badmouths Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin chops Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin punches Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett hits Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett hits Steve Austin.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Steve Austin punches Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin sends Jeff Jarrett into the turnbuckle.
Steve Austin executes a bodyslam on Jeff Jarrett.
Steve Austin whips Jeff Jarrett into the ropes, but Jeff Jarrett reverses it.
Jeff Jarrett uses a fist to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett hits Steve Austin with a low blow.
Jeff Jarrett gets a sleeperhold on Steve Austin.
Steve Austin reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett puts Steve Austin in a chokehold.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four, five.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett.
Jeff Jarrett locks Steve Austin in a chokehold.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Jeff Jarrett nails Steve Austin with a flying dropkick.
Jeff Jarrett covers Steve Austin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Jeff Jarrett yells 'Don't piss me off!'.
Jeff Jarrett further incites the crowd.
Jeff Jarrett executes a stomp on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett is going for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Jeff Jarrett uses a piledriver on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett catches Steve Austin in a chokehold.
Earl Hebner warns Jeff Jarrett to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Jeff Jarrett locks Steve Austin in a sleeperhold.
Steve Austin gets ahold of the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds.
Jeff Jarrett uses a piledriver on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for an abdominal stretch, but Jeff Jarrett counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Jeff Jarrett hits a flying dropkick on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett takes Steve Austin down with a piledriver.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett executes the Stroke on Steve Austin.
Jeff Jarrett is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Jeff Jarrett goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Steve Austin complains about a fast count.
The crowd is vociferously booing Jeff Jarrett.
The winner is Jeff Jarrett. Time of match: 0:09:11
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Rich, 12-11-2005