They lock up.
Steve Austin chops Triple H.
The crowd is starting to get behind Steve Austin.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
Triple H goes for a kick to the midsection, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a kneelift.
Steve Austin hits a snap mare on Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a snap mare.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Triple H counters it with
a slingshot into the turnbuckle.
Quite a few boos are audible.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with an inside cradle.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Triple H whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Triple H blocks it.
Triple H locks Steve Austin in an armbar submission.
Steve Austin inches his way towards the ropes after being locked up for 5
Triple H executes a clothesline on Steve Austin.
Triple H puts Steve Austin in a Boston crab.
Steve Austin is struggling to reach the ropes.
Steve Austin gets ahold of the ropes after 5 seconds.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a punch.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
Steve Austin is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Steve Austin punches Triple H.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a chop.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a chop.
Steve Austin executes a vertical suplex on Triple H.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin hits a single-leg takedown on Triple H.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes.
Steve Austin misses with a clothesline.
Steve Austin locks Triple H in an abdominal stretch.
Triple H grabs the ropes after 5 seconds.
Steve Austin uses a hiptoss on Triple H.
Steve Austin runs into the ropes.
Steve Austin hits a lariat on Triple H.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a stomp.
Steve Austin hits a chop on Triple H.
Steve Austin throws Triple H out of the ring.
Steve Austin goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
James Beard counts: 1.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the guardrail.
James Beard counts: 2.
James Beard counts: 3.
Steve Austin runs Triple H into the ringsteps.
A small "Steve Austin" chant is being started.
James Beard counts: 4.
Steve Austin goes for the Stone Cold Stunner, but Triple H blocks it.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Triple H executes a hiptoss on Steve Austin.
Triple H does a crotch chop and yells "SUCK IT!".
The crowd is booing Triple H.
James Beard counts: 5.
Triple H throws Steve Austin back into the ring.
Triple H brings the table into the ring.
Steve Austin goes for a kneelift, but Triple H side-steps and Steve Austin
only hits air.
Triple H goes for an atomic drop, but Steve Austin counters it with
an elbowsmash.
Steve Austin hits a lariat on Triple H.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a piledriver.
Steve Austin gives his opponent the finger.
A small "Steve Austin" chant is being started.
Steve Austin uses a punch on Triple H.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a kneelift.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Triple H counters it with a backdrop.
Triple H sets up Steve Austin on the table.
Triple H executes a back suplex through the table.
The table is broken in half.
Triple H is going for the cover.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Triple H does a crotch chop and yells "SUCK IT!".
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with a hiptoss.
Triple H throws Steve Austin out of the ring.
Triple H rolls out under the bottom rope.
James Beard counts: 1.
Triple H gets back into the ring.
Steve Austin climbs back into the ring.
Triple H goes for a back suplex, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin uses a piledriver on Triple H.
Steve Austin executes a punch on Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a punch.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
A small "Steve Austin" chant is being started.
Triple H chops Steve Austin.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Steve Austin chops Triple H.
The crowd is starting to get behind Steve Austin.
Triple H punches Steve Austin.
A wave of boos is going through the crowd.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
Steve Austin kicks Triple H.
A small "Steve Austin" chant is being started.
Steve Austin punches Triple H.
A small "Steve Austin" chant is being started.
Steve Austin uses a kneelift on Triple H.
Steve Austin sends Triple H into the turnbuckle.
Steve Austin charges into the corner.
Steve Austin chops Triple H.
Steve Austin is getting a good reaction from the crowd.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
The crowd is really behind Steve Austin.
Steve Austin puts Triple H in an abdominal stretch.
Triple H reaches the ropes after being locked up for 16 seconds.
Steve Austin uses a piledriver on Triple H.
The crowd is going crazy.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a legdrop.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a bodyslam.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Triple H counters it with a backdrop.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with a back suplex.
Triple H is eliciting a sizable round of boos.
Triple H uses a fist to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Triple H catches Steve Austin in a sleeperhold.
James Beard checks Steve Austin's arm.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it falls.
He lifts it... it stays up !
Steve Austin fights his way out of the hold after 17 seconds.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a backbreaker.
Steve Austin sends Triple H into the turnbuckle.
Steve Austin charges into the corner, but Triple H moves out of the way.
Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Steve Austin counters it with a backdrop.
The crowd is going crazy.
Steve Austin hits a bodyslam on Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a single-leg takedown.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a single-leg takedown.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin takes Triple H down with a backbreaker.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with a kick.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a side suplex.
Triple H hits a kick to the midsection on Steve Austin.
Triple H goes for the Pedigree, but Steve Austin counters it with a backdrop.
Steve Austin hits Triple H.
Steve Austin punches Triple H.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Steve Austin.
Triple H punches Steve Austin.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Triple H hits Steve Austin.
Triple H goes for a vertical suplex, but Steve Austin blocks it.
Steve Austin punches Triple H.
Triple H punches Steve Austin.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Triple H punches Steve Austin.
Triple H whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Steve Austin uses a lariat on Triple H.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes.
Steve Austin nails Triple H with a bodyslam.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin hits a bodyslam on Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a stomp.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a legdrop.
Steve Austin goes for a piledriver, but Triple H counters it with a backdrop.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a kneelift.
Triple H whips Steve Austin into the ropes.
Steve Austin goes for a lariat, but Triple H counters it with
an armbar submission.
Steve Austin manages to grab the ropes after being locked up for 5 seconds.
Triple H is being booed out of the building.
Triple H throws Steve Austin out of the ring.
Triple H goes outside.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with a flying axhandle.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
James Beard counts: 1.
Triple H whips Steve Austin into the guardrail.
Triple H is handed an acoustic guitar.
Triple H hits him with the acoustic guitar.
Triple H shoves Steve Austin into the guardrail.
Triple H clears the announcers' table.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a bodyslam.
James Beard counts: 2.
Triple H gets back into the ring.
Steve Austin rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with a kneedrop.
Triple H nails Steve Austin with a chop.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with a kneelift.
Triple H takes Steve Austin down with an atomic drop.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with a flying axhandle.
Triple H is being booed out of the building.
Triple H hits Steve Austin with a flying axhandle.
Triple H hits a roundhouse right on Steve Austin.
Triple H goes for an atomic drop, but Steve Austin counters it with
a backward kick.
Steve Austin hits a snap mare on Triple H.
Triple H begs off.
Steve Austin uses an elbowsmash on Triple H.
Steve Austin hits Triple H with a hiptoss.
Steve Austin whips Triple H into the ropes, but Triple H reverses it.
Steve Austin and Triple H get hit with a double clothesline.
Steve Austin locks Triple H in an abdominal stretch.
James Beard tells Triple H to respond or he'll stop the fight.
Triple H nods.
Triple H tries to fight the pain.
Triple H is writhing in pain.
James Beard asks Triple H if he's still there.
Triple H nods.
James Beard asks Triple H if he's had enough.
Triple H shakes his head.
Steve Austin lets go after 36 seconds.
Steve Austin executes the Stone Cold Stunner on Triple H.
Steve Austin goes for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The crowd erupts.
The winner is Steve Austin. Time of match: 0:14:05
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Rich, 12-11-2005