(In the backstage area, Bret Hart is preparing for the Rumble match, when
Steve Austin walks in.)
Stone Cold:
Where were ya?
Bret Hart:
I don't have to tell you that Steve.
Stone Cold:
Screw that Bret, where were ya? I was ready to fight you on Smackdown, and
next thing I know, Kurt Angle is coming down to get his asked kicked. Now I
will ask you again, and I am trying very hard to keep my composure while I
ask you this, where were ya?
Bret Hart:
You know what Austin? I would have thought you'd realised by now what I did.
You see, you've entered yourself into the Royal Rumble. A match where you
have to stand in that ring, not knowing who's coming out from behind the
curtain. Last Thursday, it could have been anybody coming out to face you,
but it happened to be Kurt Angle. And you won the match Austin, you won it
despite the fact that you weren't prepared for your opponent. Despite the
fact that you were planning on fighting me.
Stone Cold:
What's your point?
Bret Hart:
My point is, you're ready Austin. You're ready for the Rumble, and you proved
it on Thursday. But let me tell you something, you're not the only one whose
ready Austin. I am too, and if you step in my way, it won't matter how much
you want it, you won't get it. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Stone Cold:
Yeah I understand Bret, but you know what? You gotta understand just one
thing. I am gonna throw your sorry little ass over the top rope tonight, along
with anybody who dares tries to piss me off, and that's all I got to say about
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Rich, 12-11-2005