Terri Runnels:
Stone Cold, tonight you must team with Shawn Michaels to take on Bret Hart
and Chris Benoit, a match set up before we came on the air tonight. With your
form as of late, you must be hoping for better luck tonight.
Stone Cold:
You damn right I'm hoping for better luck, because all that happens when I lose
is that I get pissed off. Now I ain't got nothing against Chris Benoit or Bret
Hart, not anymore with Bret Hart anyway, but they gotta realise that I'm seeing
them as Triple H and Jeff Jarrett tonight, which I'm gonna kick their asses.
Something else I wanna say, is about The Rock. I heard him out there saying
that he's gonna be in the Royal Rumble, well I got news for ya Rock, so am I.
And if you think you're gonna win that Rumble, you gotta get through me first.
Stone Cold Steve Austin is gonna start changing things around, and I am gonna
kick more ass than ever before, and that's the bottom line 'cos Stone Cold said
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Rich, 12-11-2005