(With The Hurricane already in the ring, awaiting Ted DiBiase, the Million $
Man's music hits, and he comes out onto the ramp, in no way dressed to fight.)
Ted DiBiase:
Hurricane, I'm sure you were expecting to elevate yourself tonight by facing
the Million Dollar Man, but you see, I'm come to the simple conclusion that
not only do you not deserve to wrestle me, but also that these people do not
deserve to watch me wrestle.
So what I have done, is I have hired myself a brand new bodyguard. A man who
will do my bidding, and save me from having to degrade myself in front of a
bunch of commoners that earn less in a year that I do in a few hours.
So without further ado, I give you my new bodyguard, the 7-foot tall, 500lbs,
Big Show!
(The Big Show's music hits, and he comes down to the ring with a menacing look
on his face.)
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Rich, 12-11-2005