They lock up.
Randy Orton goes for a sleeperhold, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock nails Randy Orton with a kneebreaker.
The Rock hits Randy Orton.
The crowd is behind The Rock all the way.
Randy Orton punches The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton goes for a kick to the midsection, but The Rock counters it with
a legsweep.
The Rock nails Randy Orton with an eye gouge.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a vertical suplex.
The Rock whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Randy Orton and The Rock get hit with a double clothesline.
Randy Orton uses a dropkick on The Rock.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton works the crowd.
Numerous fans are using Randy Orton for target practice.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton executes a flying forearm on The Rock.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton uses a forearm smash on The Rock.
Randy Orton uses a dropkick on The Rock.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a hiptoss.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with a punch to the midsection.
Randy Orton executes a kick to the midsection on The Rock.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a dropkick.
Randy Orton executes a powerslam on The Rock.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with a dropkick to the knee.
Randy Orton hits a kick to the knee on The Rock.
Randy Orton goes for a roundhouse right, but The Rock reverses it.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a clothesline.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Randy Orton reverses it.
The Rock re-reverses it.
The Rock hits Randy Orton.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
Randy Orton punches The Rock.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Randy Orton whips The Rock into the ropes, but The Rock reverses it.
The Rock misses with a shoulderblock.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with a kick.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with a flying forearm.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton goes for a punch to the midsection, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock hits a punch on Randy Orton.
The Rock hits Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock punches Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock kicks Randy Orton.
The crowd is giving The Rock a standing ovation.
The Rock throws Randy Orton out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, two, three, four, Randy Orton reenters the ring.
The Rock hits a kick to the midsection on Randy Orton.
The Rock goes for a front facelock, but Randy Orton counters it with a backdrop.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a punch to the midsection.
Randy Orton locks The Rock in a sleeperhold.
The Rock inches his way towards the ropes after 5 seconds.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a kick to the knee.
Randy Orton hits an elbowsmash on The Rock.
Randy Orton goes for a punch to the midsection, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock goes for a front facelock, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton kicks The Rock.
Randy Orton punches The Rock.
Randy Orton hits The Rock.
The Rock hits Randy Orton.
The Rock punches Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
Randy Orton hits The Rock.
Randy Orton chops The Rock.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Randy Orton uses a dropkick on The Rock.
Randy Orton catches The Rock in a sleeperhold.
The Rock gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 5 seconds.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a flying forearm.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with a flying bulldog.
Randy Orton is being booed out of the building.
Randy Orton is going for the pin.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with an elbowsmash.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with a flying forearm.
James Beard counts: One, shoulder up.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a DDT.
Randy Orton is being booed out of the building.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with a forearm smash.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with a kick to the knee.
Randy Orton runs into the ropes.
The Rock misses with a shoulderblock.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a shoulderblock.
The Rock throws Randy Orton out of the ring.
The Rock goes outside.
The Rock shoves Randy Orton into the guardrail.
The Rock takes Randy Orton down with a dropkick.
The Rock goes for a stomp, but Randy Orton rolls out of the way.
Randy Orton gets back into the ring.
The Rock climbs back into the ring.
Randy Orton goes for a sleeperhold, but The Rock blocks it.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with an elbow.
The Rock throws Randy Orton into the turnbuckle.
The Rock charges into the corner.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a chop.
The Rock hits a kneebreaker on Randy Orton.
The Rock whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Randy Orton goes for a flying forearm, but The Rock ducks out of the way.
The Rock uses a Hotshot on Randy Orton.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a punch.
The Rock goes for a punch, but Randy Orton reverses it.
Randy Orton goes for a flying cross body press, but The Rock counters it with
a powerslam.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock uses a flying cross body press on Randy Orton.
James Beard counts: One, two, kickout.
The Rock goes to the outside.
He brings an acoustic guitar into the ring.
The Rock hits him with the acoustic guitar.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for The Rock.
The Rock whips him into an acoustic guitar.
The Rock whips Randy Orton into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with a clothesline.
Randy Orton executes a kick to the knee on The Rock.
Randy Orton hits an armdrag takedown on The Rock.
Randy Orton whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a clothesline.
The Rock takes Randy Orton down with an armbreaker.
The Rock nails Randy Orton with a dropkick.
The Rock runs into the ropes.
Randy Orton hits a dropkick on The Rock.
Randy Orton whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock misses with an elbow.
The Rock goes for a backspin DDT, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton hits a back elbow on The Rock.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a dropkick to the knee.
Randy Orton hits The Rock with an elbowsmash.
Randy Orton uses a back elbow on The Rock.
Randy Orton takes The Rock down with a forearm smash.
Randy Orton uses a kick to the knee on The Rock.
Randy Orton goes for a back elbow, but The Rock ducks out of the way.
The Rock whips Randy Orton into the ropes, but Randy Orton reverses it.
Randy Orton and The Rock get hit with a double clothesline.
Randy Orton executes a powerslam on The Rock.
James Beard counts: One, two, thr... kickout.
Randy Orton executes a dropkick to the knee on The Rock.
Randy Orton executes a bodyslam on The Rock.
Randy Orton throws The Rock out of the ring.
James Beard counts: one, two, three, The Rock reenters the ring.
Randy Orton whips The Rock into the turnbuckle.
Randy Orton nails The Rock with a flying forearm.
James Beard counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Randy Orton goes for a full nelson slam, but The Rock counters it with
a backward kick.
The Rock uses a punch on Randy Orton.
The Rock punches Randy Orton.
The crowd erupts.
The Rock hits Randy Orton.
The Rock goes for an armbreaker, but Randy Orton counters it with a facerake.
Randy Orton whips The Rock into the ropes.
The Rock hits Randy Orton with a shoulderblock.
The Rock goes for an armdrag takedown, but Randy Orton blocks it.
Randy Orton locks The Rock in a sleeperhold.
The Rock is valiantly trying to break the hold.
The Rock tries to escape the hold.
The Rock gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 12 seconds.
Randy Orton executes the RKO on The Rock.
James Beard counts: One, two, three.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.

The winner is Randy Orton. Time of match: 0:13:00

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Rich, 12-11-2005