Josh Matthews:
Edge, rumours are running rampant that you attacked Val Venis after your match
last week, leading to a match being signed between you at Vengeance.  How do
you answer this charge?

Josh, I don't know where this rumour started, but I can assure you that it's
totally untrue.  I did not attack Val at all, why would I do that to one of my
best friends?  All I can think of is that whoever did it was trying to drag my
name through the mud.  And when I find out who it is, I'm going to get my 

I really don't want to have this match with Val at Vengeance, but if he still
wants to believe that I am in any way responsible for him getting hurt, then I
guess I'll just have to go ahead with it.  But Val, mark my words, I'll find a
way to prove to you that it wasn't me.

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Rich, 12-11-2005