(To a great response from the fans, Shawn Michaels makes his way to ringside.)

Shawn Michaels:
You know, since I returned to the WWE back in October of last year, things have
not exactly been going great.  Sure, I had a few high moments, but during these
past few months, the lows have been in the majority.  And you know what, I
don't think its fair to all of you people that pay your good money to come see
the shows that you have to see Shawn Michaels fall apart in front of your very

So it's with a heavy heart, and deep regret, that I am here tonight to announce

(Shawn is interrupted by the music of Cactus Jack, who makes his way down to
the ring.)

Cactus Jack:
You know something Shawn, before you make the announcement that I think you're
going to make, allow me to tell you something first.  And this is coming to
you from Mick Foley, not Cactus Jack, so here goes.

Shawn, I know things haven't been that great for you since you came back, but
the last thing that you should do, the last thing that any of these people want
you to do is walk away.  That's not the Shawn Michaels I know.  Maybe the Shawn
Michaels of a few years ago might have packed his bags and left, but this one
right here damn sure wouldn't.

You know Shawn, things haven't been going so great for me around here either.
I mean, how often do you see a Cactus Jack match on Raw or Smackdown these
days?  Barely ever.  But I didn't let that bring me down Shawn.  What I did
was march my ass to the back, and demand a spot in the Royal Rumble match.  If
I'm not gonna be given any TV time, that I'm damn sure gonna earn it.  

Shawn Michaels, your career doesn't have to end just because a little punk like
Steven Richards pinned you, or because Kevin Nash hurt your back with a power
bomb on the outside.  It should end when you're too worn down to even think
about fighting any more.  It should end when you're screaming on your death bed
for five more minutes.  It shouldn't end this way, and I won't let it.

So Shawn Michaels, get your to the ass to the back, throw your name into the
hat for the Royal Rumble, where you can throw out Steven Richards, and you can
throw out Kevin Nash.  And hell, you might even throw out Cactus Jack.  What
do you say Shawn.

(Michaels ponders this for a few minutes.)

Shawn Michaels:
Mick...the answer is yes.  At the Royal Rumble, I will give it one more shot,
and I'll do my damn best to come out on top.  At the Rumble, HBK will return,
and HBK will lay down for absolutely nobody!  Now if you don't mind, I've got
a contract to sign.

(Michaels' music hits, as he returns to the back with Cactus Jack.)

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Rich, 12-11-2005