(After the break, Goldberg makes his way down to the ring and grabs a mic.)

Randy Orton, you may have taken the cheap way out last week, but it won't
happen again.  Bring your ass down here, because you're next!

(The nWo music hits, and Orton comes out onto the ramp.)

Randy Orton:
Goldberg, I would love to come down to that ring and beat your ass once again,
but there's a slight problem.  You're just not worth my time.  You see, I have
built myself a reputation as a Legend Killer, and quite frankly Goldberg, you
are not a legend.  You're barely even a punk.

So what I'm gonna do Goldberg, is give you a chance, the chance to prove to me
that you are a legend, and that you're worthy of my time and attention.  So,
I'm gonna start you off small, with a guy that you've got a reasonable chance
of not getting beaten by, and then if you can beat him, we'll start moving you
on to better competition, until one day you're worthing of getting beaten by
me.  So Goldberg, tonight your opponent is, Marty Jannetty.  Go get him Marty!

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Rich, 12-11-2005