Josh Matthews:
Steven Richards, obviously you have to be quite interested in the upcoming
match between Shawn Michaels and Matt Hardy, considering what Hardy did to HBK
on Smackdown, and the possible after effects that this match, and Thursday's
actions could have on your match with Michaels this Sunday.

Steven Richards:
Josh, I'd be lieing if I said I wasn't pleased to see what Matt Hardy did to
Shawn Michaels last Thursday on Smackdown.  But I damn sure won't be pleased
if he puts HBK out tonight, because that's my job, and my destiny.  This Sunday
night, I will put Shawn Michaels out of wrestling forever, but if Hardy gets
there before me, then I guess I'll have to put him out instead.  I'm watching
you Matt Hardy, so don't ruin everything for me, or else I'll leave you as the
one who's ruined.  I'll show you, you'll see.

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Rich, 12-11-2005