They lock up.
The Big Show hits a chop on Marty Jannetty.
The Big Show puts Marty Jannetty in a choke against the ropes.
Earl Hebner warns The Big Show to let go.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three, four.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Earl Hebner disqualifies The Big Show.

The Big Show has been eliminated.
Marty Jannetty has the crowd going wild.

They lock up.
Marty Jannetty goes for a German suplex, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase gets a sleeperhold on Marty Jannetty.
Marty Jannetty reaches the ropes after holding out for 7 seconds.
Ted DiBiase hits Marty Jannetty with a lariat.
Ted DiBiase locks Marty Jannetty in an armbar submission.
Marty Jannetty breaks the hold after 14 seconds.
Marty Jannetty goes for an atomic drop, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase hits a flying clothesline on Marty Jannetty.
The decibel level in the building is unbelievable.
Ted DiBiase goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Marty Jannetty blocks it.
Marty Jannetty hits Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase hits Marty Jannetty.
The crowd is vociferously booing Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase chops Marty Jannetty.
Ted DiBiase chops Marty Jannetty.
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase goes for a fireman's carry, but Marty Jannetty blocks it.
Marty Jannetty hits Ted DiBiase with a bodyslam.
Marty Jannetty nails Ted DiBiase with a superkick.
The crowd is going crazy.
Marty Jannetty takes Ted DiBiase down with a fireman's carry.
Marty Jannetty uses a back suplex on Ted DiBiase.
Marty Jannetty executes a superkick on Ted DiBiase.
Marty Jannetty tags out to Al Snow.
Al Snow and Marty Jannetty whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They hit Ted DiBiase with a double backdrop.
Al Snow and Marty Jannetty whip Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
They hit Ted DiBiase with a double clothesline.
Marty Jannetty leaves the ring.
Al Snow goes for a roundhouse right, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase takes Al Snow down with an atomic drop.
Ted DiBiase hits Al Snow with a back suplex.
Ted DiBiase goes for an inverted atomic drop, but Al Snow blocks it.
Al Snow hits Ted DiBiase with a fireman's carry.
Al Snow takes Ted DiBiase down with a superkick.
Al Snow shakes the Head for the crowd.
The crowd is behind Al Snow all the way.
Al Snow places Ted DiBiase on the turnbuckle.
Al Snow hits Ted DiBiase with a superplex.
Al Snow hits Ted DiBiase with a roundhouse right.
Al Snow whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
Al Snow executes spinning headscissors on Ted DiBiase.
Ted DiBiase collides with Earl Hebner.
The crowd is giving Al Snow a standing ovation.
Al Snow runs into the ropes.
Al Snow goes for an Asai moonsault, but Ted DiBiase counters it with a Tombstone
The ring is quickly filling up with debris.
Ted DiBiase takes Al Snow down with a flying clothesline.
Ted DiBiase goes for a Hotshot, but Al Snow counters it with a Thesz press.
There is no referee to count.
The crowd breaks into a "We Want Head" chant.
Al Snow takes Ted DiBiase down with a standing moonsault.
There is no referee to count.
Al Snow leaves the ring.
He returns with a chair.
Al Snow runs into the ropes and springs off the chair.
Al Snow uses spinning headscissors on Ted DiBiase.
Al Snow shakes the Head for the crowd.
The crowd is giving Al Snow a standing ovation.
Al Snow sets up Ted DiBiase on the turnbuckle.
Al Snow nails Ted DiBiase with a superplex.
Ted DiBiase begs off.
Al Snow goes for a fireman's carry, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase runs into the ropes.
Al Snow hits Ted DiBiase with a clothesline.
Ted DiBiase falls out of the ring.
Al Snow rolls out under the bottom rope.
Al Snow hits a kick to the midsection on Ted DiBiase.
Marty Jannetty comes over to make it two-on-one.
Marty Jannetty goes for a superkick, but Ted DiBiase counters it with a legsweep
Ted DiBiase climbs back into the ring.
Al Snow rolls back in under the bottom rope.
Ted DiBiase takes Al Snow down with an inverted atomic drop.
Ted DiBiase goes for a piledriver, but Al Snow blocks it.
Al Snow punches Ted DiBiase.
Al Snow kicks Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Al Snow.
Al Snow hits Ted DiBiase.
Al Snow goes for a roundhouse right, but Ted DiBiase reverses it.
In turn, Al Snow counters it with an armbreaker.
The crowd is giving Al Snow a standing ovation.
Al Snow goes for a dragon suplex, but Ted DiBiase blocks it.
Ted DiBiase nails Al Snow with a chop.
Ted DiBiase whips Al Snow into the ropes.
Al Snow nails Ted DiBiase with an Asai moonsault.
There is no referee to count.
Al Snow catches Ted DiBiase in a short arm scissors.
There is no referee there to ask Ted DiBiase.
Earl Hebner slowly gets up.
Ted DiBiase is valiantly trying to break the hold.
Ted DiBiase is struggling to reach the ropes.
Ted DiBiase gets ahold of the ropes after holding out for 17 seconds.
Al Snow whips Ted DiBiase into the ropes.
Al Snow takes Ted DiBiase down with a kick to the midsection.
Al Snow executes the Snow Plow on Ted DiBiase.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Al Snow goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
Ted DiBiase has been eliminated.
The crowd breaks into a "We Want Head" chant.

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Rich, 12-11-2005