They lock up.
Brock Lesnar goes for a backbreaker, but Sting blocks it.
Sting executes a punch on Brock Lesnar.
Sting executes a powerslam on Brock Lesnar.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Sting goes for a punch, but Brock Lesnar counters it with a roundhouse right.
Brock Lesnar goes for a fallaway slam, but Sting counters it with
a forearm smash.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with a shoulderblock.
Brock Lesnar goes for a forearm smash, but Sting blocks it.
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a vertical suplex.
Sting hits a punch on Brock Lesnar.
Sting uses a bulldog on Brock Lesnar.
Sting goes for a bulldog, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a running powerslam.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar whips Sting into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar uses a backbreaker on Sting.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex.
Brock Lesnar whips Sting into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits a lariat on Sting.
Brock Lesnar is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Brock Lesnar goes for a jack-knife power bomb, but Sting blocks it.
Sting kicks Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is behind Sting all the way.
Sting punches Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is going into a frenzy.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with a backdrop.
Brock Lesnar covers Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brock Lesnar uses a backbreaker on Sting.
Brock Lesnar uses a power bomb on Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a waistlock takedown.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with a power bomb.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Brock Lesnar uses a power bomb on Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with a backbreaker.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a hiptoss.
Brock Lesnar uses an arm wringer on Sting.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with a kick.
Brock Lesnar covers Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar hits a headsmash into the turnbuckle on Sting.
Brock Lesnar goes for a German suplex, but Sting counters it with a facerake.
Sting sends Brock Lesnar into the turnbuckle, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with a backdrop suplex.
Brock Lesnar executes a lariat on Sting.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar executes a chop on Sting.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with a forearm smash.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with a backbreaker.
Brock Lesnar uses a lariat on Sting.
Brock Lesnar executes a sitdown faceslam on Sting.
The crowd breaks into a "Brock Sucks" chant.
Brock Lesnar hits a forearm smash on Sting.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting out of the ring.
Brock Lesnar goes through the ropes.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar executes a hiptoss on Sting.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
Brock Lesnar further incites the crowd.
Brock Lesnar hits a knee to the midsection on Sting.
Brock Lesnar goes for an overhead belly-to-belly suplex, but Sting
counters it with a headbutt.
Sting goes for a hiptoss, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Brock Lesnar executes a lariat on Sting.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with an elbow.
Brock Lesnar uses a Gorilla Press on Sting.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
The arena is exploding in a chorus of boos.
Brock Lesnar executes a forearm smash on Sting.
Brock Lesnar goes for a kick to the midsection, but Sting counters it with
a legsweep.
Sting nails Brock Lesnar with a bodyslam.
Sting goes for a bodyslam, but Brock Lesnar counters it with a small package.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with a backbreaker.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a forearm smash.
Brock Lesnar hits a gutwrench suplex on Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar goes for a hiptoss, but Sting reverses it.
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a clothesline.
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a bulldog.
The chants for Sting are deafening.
Sting howls out to the crowd.
The crowd is behind Sting all the way.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Sting misses with a kick.
Brock Lesnar misses with a shoulderblock.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a clothesline.
Sting howls out to the crowd.
The chants for Sting are deafening.
Sting uses a bodyslam on Brock Lesnar.
Sting goes for a punch, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar executes a forearm smash on Sting.
Brock Lesnar goes for a running powerslam, but Sting blocks it.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a vertical suplex.
Sting throws Brock Lesnar out of the ring.
Sting goes outside.
The crowd is behind Sting all the way.
Sting whips Brock Lesnar into the guardrail.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a vertical suplex.
Sting throws Brock Lesnar back into the ring.
Sting uses a faceslam on Brock Lesnar.
The crowd breaks into a "Stinger! Stinger!" chant.
Sting is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Sting uses a clothesline on Brock Lesnar.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a bulldog.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a shoulderblock.
Sting goes for a roundhouse right, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Brock Lesnar uses a powerslam on Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with an elbow.
Brock Lesnar hits a sitdown faceslam on Sting.
Brock Lesnar is being booed like there is no tomorrow.
Brock Lesnar hits a backbreaker on Sting.
Brock Lesnar covers Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar executes a power bomb on Sting.
Tim White counts: One, two, KICKOUT.
Sting goes for a punch, but Brock Lesnar reverses it.
Brock Lesnar punches Sting.
Brock Lesnar punches Sting.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Sting kicks Brock Lesnar.
The chants for Sting are deafening.
Sting punches Brock Lesnar.
The crowd is behind Sting all the way.
Sting whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar executes a lariat on Sting.
Brock Lesnar is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Brock Lesnar complains about a slow count.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting out of the ring.
Brock Lesnar goes through the ropes.
Brock Lesnar goes for a fireman's carry, but Sting blocks it.
Brock Lesnar is busted wide open.
Sting hits a clothesline on Brock Lesnar.
Sting uses a kick to the midsection on Brock Lesnar.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a vertical suplex.
Sting hits a punch on Brock Lesnar.
Sting goes for a vertical suplex, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Brock Lesnar shoves Sting into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar goes for a backdrop suplex, but Sting counters it with a back elbow
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a vertical suplex.
Sting reenters the ring.
Brock Lesnar climbs back into the ring.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a punch.
Sting attempts to place Brock Lesnar on the turnbuckle, but Brock Lesnar
blocks it.
Sting nails Brock Lesnar with a faceslam.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a dropkick.
Sting is going for the cover.
Tim White counts: One, kickout.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a flying bodypress.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Sting attempts to place Brock Lesnar on the turnbuckle, but Brock Lesnar
blocks it.
Sting executes a vertical suplex on Brock Lesnar.
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a vertical suplex.
Sting kicks Brock Lesnar.
The chants for Sting are deafening.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar.
Brock Lesnar kicks Sting.
Brock Lesnar punches Sting.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.
Sting chops Brock Lesnar.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a clothesline.
Sting takes Brock Lesnar down with a gutwrench suplex.
Tim White counts: One, two, shoulder up.
Sting whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with an elbow.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a series of stomps.
Brock Lesnar goes for a punch, but Sting counters it with a roundhouse right.
Sting hits Brock Lesnar with a vertical suplex.
Sting runs into the ropes.
Sting executes a clothesline on Brock Lesnar.
Sting is going for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, kickout.
Sting hits an eye gouge on Brock Lesnar.
Sting nails Brock Lesnar with a bodyslam.
Sting goes for a gutwrench suplex, but Brock Lesnar blocks it.
Brock Lesnar hits a Gorilla Press on Sting.
Brock Lesnar hits Sting with triple power bomb.
Brock Lesnar takes Sting down with a back elbow.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting out of the ring.
Brock Lesnar goes through the ropes.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting into the ringsteps.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting into the ringpost.
Brock Lesnar nails Sting with a hiptoss.
Brock Lesnar throws Sting back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar executes the F-5 on Sting.
Brock Lesnar goes for the pin.
Tim White counts: One, two, three.
Numerous fans are using Brock Lesnar for target practice.

The winner is Brock Lesnar. Time of match: 0:17:18

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Rich, 12-11-2005