They lock up.
Brock Lesnar runs into the ropes.
Brock Lesnar executes a lariat on The Undertaker.
Brock Lesnar hits The Undertaker with a punch.
** Sting comes to ringside.
Brock Lesnar throws The Undertaker out of the ring.
Brock Lesnar goes outside.
Brock Lesnar throws The Undertaker into the guardrail.
The Undertaker is busted wide open.
Brock Lesnar hits a knee to the midsection on The Undertaker.
Brock Lesnar reenters the ring.
The Undertaker climbs back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar nails The Undertaker with a backbreaker.
Brock Lesnar goes for a headsmash into the turnbuckle, but The Undertaker
blocks it.
The Undertaker hits Brock Lesnar with a bodyslam.
The Undertaker whips Brock Lesnar into the ropes.
The Undertaker hits Brock Lesnar with a backdrop.
Brock Lesnar falls out of the ring.
The Undertaker rolls out under the bottom rope.
The Undertaker is handed a Barbed wire bat.
The Undertaker hits him with the Barbed wire bat.
The crowd is behind The Undertaker all the way.
Brock Lesnar has been cut open.
The Undertaker goes for the Last Ride, but Brock Lesnar counters it with
a backdrop.
Brock Lesnar throws The Undertaker into the guardrail.
Brock Lesnar uses a lariat on The Undertaker.
Brock Lesnar works the crowd.
Brock Lesnar further incites the crowd.
They're brawling inside the ring area.
The Undertaker hits Brock Lesnar with a headbutt.
The Undertaker clears the announcers' table.
The Undertaker sets up Brock Lesnar on the announcers' table.
The Undertaker executes a legdrop through the table.
The table is broken in half.
The chants for The Undertaker are deafening.
The Undertaker climbs back into the ring.
Brock Lesnar climbs back into the ring.
** Jeff Jarrett comes to ringside.
The Undertaker goes for a bodyslam, but Brock Lesnar counters it with a facerake
Brock Lesnar further incites the crowd.
Brock Lesnar hits The Undertaker with a fallaway slam.
Brock Lesnar covers The Undertaker.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, kickout.
Brock Lesnar takes The Undertaker down with a fallaway slam.
** Sting throws The Undertaker the guardrail.
The Undertaker hits Brock Lesnar with it and goes for the pin.
Earl Hebner counts: One, two, three.
The crowd is giving The Undertaker a standing ovation.

The winner is The Undertaker. Time of match: 0:02:36

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Rich, 12-11-2005